
4 steps to heaven

A young guy named Leon Burnhard, lived in a fairly wealthy family of businessmen and every year they went on vacation, but this time an accident happened. It started raining heavily, a taxi was driving through the mountains with this family, but fate was not on their side and an avalanche fell on them. What will happen and what fate is in store for our main character? (author's note: this is my first book and therefore there will be big mistakes! I hope that you will point them out to me. And the cover is not mine, if the artist wants me to take it off, I'll take it off)

Daoistynt · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Cultivation method and search

Author's Note: This is the last chapter... for this year! Enjoy reading :)

When I opened the book, a greeting awaited me. "Dachshund, let's read what's here," I thought, and began to read. Dear person, you are one of the few who became a magician and this is a very great achievement! When you embark on this path, you will have many questions and difficulties, but don't worry! This guide contains basic information for a beginner magician. We also want to invite you to study at the Academy and we will be glad to see you! @Headmaster of the Royal Academy "I finished reading in my mind.

I frowned a little at the last sentence. "Where did Anafel get this book from? I don't know, but I definitely need to find out about this book," I thought and turned the page, and there the content was waiting for me and I quickly ran through this list, "Hmm, here it is!" I exclaimed in mind, looking at the one phrase I needed, written in black letters, "Wait, how do I even understand their language and writing?" I thought in shock, but I could only shake my head regretfully and finally open the page I needed.

The energy system of the Alahon continent... The system is arranged in just two stages of the magician's core:

1 initial (copper-dark green with iron) stage

1. 1 grade (gas)

2. 2 grade (liquid)

3 class 3 (solid)>

2 Advanced (iron-silver)

1. 1 grade (gas)

2. Grade 2 (liquid)

3 rank 3 (hard)

Like psychic energy, it is also divided into two levels:

Mage level 1

1. 1 rank

2. Rank 2

Mage level 2

1. 1 rank

2. Rank 2

3. Rank 3 (mage peak) - I read and frowned deeply. "I never learned what mental energy is. No, I roughly understand what it is, but I would like to know from the manual, I need to look, - I thought and began to read the entire manual. After sitting like this for about half an hour, I finally found what I needed.

"Mental energy is the energy that is in your mind and is used to create diagrams (spells)," I read quietly and could not help but frown. I read it a long time ago? A sea of consciousness! That's what I'll call it," I concluded in my head and continued to search for all the interesting information.

... There are six pillars of creation: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Light and Darkness," I read and wondered what type of element my blood magic belongs to? "Hmm, maybe it's water? Maybe, but in general why guess if I have a teacher," I thought with a slight smile, but after a moment my face became dead cold again. But after another five minutes of searching for something interesting, I found it.

- Wow! These are mana cultivation methods," I exclaimed in my heart, but immediately calmed down and put on a serious face. - Growing methods are too diverse and often it happens that they are individual. But this collection consists of universal techniques that will suit everyone," I read and turned my attention to these techniques. As soon as I started studying, I saw a division into two categories of magicians: one for physical magicians, and the second for those who use spells. "Since I am a generalist, do all methods suit me, or do I need the same generalist?" I asked himself and could only shake his head, "Hmm, this one won't fit, it's too light… This one is weird… Yes! Here he is,"

- There are so many amazing and unreal things in this world that I'm just going crazy with the desire to try everything! - I said in amazement and abruptly cooled my ardor. "In many novels it was said that you need to choose your own path, and not grab everything you see, " I pondered and began to study the method of mana cultivation.

" The vortex method. The method consists of three stages: 1 initial - the connection of two energies in the body so that they are in balance; 2 advanced - the output of these two energies to the external environment in a form suitable for you; 3 completed - unwinding your form like a vortex " I read a brief description. "I like this method and I want to hurry up," I thought enthusiastically and began to read the instructions carefully. After about fifteen minutes, I finished studying and couldn't help but lie down on the bed and sigh.

- In the novels it looked easier, but in fact it's difficult to even read it - she said softly with a subtle note of disappointment, but it was immediately replaced by a mad tone.

- Hehe difficulties, this is what I love! I stood up abruptly and sat in the lotus position. I started concentrating on certain areas of my body, namely the sea of consciousness and the core. I found myself in a cramped space and a core appeared in front of my eyes. It was a dark copper shade and gently pulsed with different colors. Sometimes blue, and sometimes red, "Here's my core, hmm..." I thought and looked up.

My vision immediately changed and I found myself over a huge pool with some liquid. It was strange that they were of a wide variety of shapes and colors and because of this it seemed that it was an iridescent rainbow. "And here are my thoughts and their embodiments," I analyzed my pool and finally

began the first stage in that method. " The first stage: Merging! I shouted in my head.

POV: Royal Bloodhound

Earlier the day before

"Hmm, there was a big battle here," said one of the bloodhounds and to which the others also nodded. I shifted my gaze to the commander, waiting for a new command. He looked at the battlefield, and then at us, and this made some people shudder.

- Search this place for any evidence. Do it! - said ot in a stern voice and all the bloodhounds scattered around the perimeter of the battlefield. I went to the middle, to the very center where there is the most destruction. "What kind of massacre happened here? What kind of monster did Dr. Keely create? I thought with a note of disgust looking at the result of the battle against the chimera. The bodies surrounding me were mutilated, but what surprised me more was the magician in the center surrounded by dozens of stone spears.

Approaching him, I began to search his body for clues, but what I found stunned me. "He-he doesn't have a heart! I mentally screamed and scanned my surroundings for the presence of his heart. But what I saw scared me. "Blood stain, but where is the heart... Don't tell me, that it ate him! "I thought with fear, but still continued the search, and it paid off.

- Yes, it's a recording device! I exclaimed, holding a strange cube in my hands. "We need to show this to the commander!" I thought and ran up to the commander sharply.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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