
37 Days

Millie is caught in between her old life and new. She stayed in an apartment to be nearby her drug addict father until he passed. Although she is devastated by her father’s passing, she has a new found freedom. She’s leaving her old life behind in San Diego and now getting a do over in L.A where she’ll have a fresh start, career and a new apartment. The only problem is there’s 37 days between her old lease and new. Millie’s best friend Steph offers a place to stay with her, all is good and fine until she finds out the truth about where she’s actually staying. The mansion, previously a hotel is owned by suspected drug traffickers that are not to be messed with. Millie finds herself falling for one of them, which stirs up a lot of trouble. Will she be strong enough to handle the challenges ahead that come with her new love interest?

marissa_inserra · Urban
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68 Chs

Game on

I make it back upstairs trying to ignore the pointless argument I just had moments ago.

I change into more comfortable clothing and lay in bed tossing and turning trying to get comfortable.

Steph and Mia are still out and probably still will be for the next few hours. I grab my phone and see a text from Chase saying he had a nice time, I text him back that I did too.

I get out of bed, grab my laptop, and pour myself a much-needed drink. I sit at the table and sip at the brown liquor.

I open my laptop and browse through some cheap furniture for my new apartment. I find some things I like and save them.

I send Mr. Daniels a Facebook message telling him that I miss him and Isabella even though it's only been a week, and to give my favorite little girl a hug for me. I hear my phone ding again and go to retrieve it. It's a text from an unknown number.

"It's X, come back down."

How did he get my number? I'm not doing this right now. I power my phone off and after I finish my drink I go to bed.

When I wake up, Steph isn't in the bed, there have been no signs that she has ever made it in actually.

I power my phone back on and see that she has texted me that she's staying with Julian for the night. I also have another text from X.

"Please Millie."

I text Steph back but not X, I'm not getting involved with him any more than I already have, he's a walking red flag.

I shake my thoughts away and get into the shower.

By the time I get out, Steph is back and laying on the bed relaxing, still in her club outfit. When she sees me she sits up.

"So…..how was last night?" she asks excitedly.

The first thing that comes to my mind is X and I'm about to start talking about him until I thankfully catch myself, she's talking about Chase.

I chuckle "It was good, really good actually."

I walk over to the closet finding some clothes.

"Well don't hold out on me! Tell me everything!" she excitedly demands.

I keep my back to her looking for something to wear.

"We went to a nice Italian restaurant, caught up on what's been happening in our lives, and then he brought me back here." I turn back to face her with jeans and a shirt draped over my arm.

She rolls her eyes at my lack of information but there's just not much to tell.

"Still as boring as ever huh?" I laugh at her and throw the shirt hanging off my arm at her.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I say and she nods her head.

"Did you give X my phone number?" she looks at me confused and says "No…if I don't even want you talking to him, why would you think I'd give him your number?"

Okay, that makes sense, stupid Millie.

"He texted me last night but I never gave him my number and thought maybe you did," I say.

"No, I promise I didn't," Steph says with her hands in surrender.

"I believe you, of course, I was just curious," I reassured her.

"What did he say?" she asks and I explain what happened before and after my hang-out with Chase but leave out what I heard the night prior.

She's shocked by what I've told her.

"Yeah, he wasn't at the club at all last night, not until like three at least," she says.

He stayed outside until three AM?

"And then what?" I ask her but mentally hit myself because why should I even care?

"Well, I don't know he seemed pretty drunk, and then he left with Adria after about an hour," she explains.


I don't know why this revelation irks me to my core but it does.

I'm the one avoiding him while he's trying to get my attention, but that's just the thing, I turn him down and he runs to the next best thing.

I'm not into these games, I'm a grown adult trying to get my life together, I'm not trying to going back down a dark rabbit hole.

I nod my head to Steph trying not to show my disappointment to her.

She can read me like a book no matter how hard I try to conceal my feelings. "Are you okay Mills?" she asks gently.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

She nods her head knowing I'm in fact not but also doesn't really know what to say.

I go back into the bathroom, get dressed, and throw my hair in a messy bun. When I come back out, Steph is back in a laying position looking like she's about to knock out. I turn off the lights for her and exit the bedroom.

Mia's door is open with the light off and nowhere to be seen around the suite so I'm assuming she's probably already off to work setting up the club for tonight.

With Mia not here, and Steph on the verge of sleep, I decide to head out and find something to do outside of the house.

I step outside and on the porch, there is shattered glass everywhere, evidence of X's fit of rage. It's in a million pieces and I avoid stepping on the shards.

I make my way to my car and decide to do some window shopping at some stores in town. After several hours of browsing and walking around seeing what the town has to offer, I head back to the house.

I park in my usual spot and head up the steps looking at the broken glass again as I walk inside.

Luckily, no one is lingering around and I head to the elevator. I reach it and press the button arrow facing up.

Out of nowhere, a nearby door opens and closes, and out comes Adria walking toward me.

I stiffen at the sight of her.

She says nothing as she reaches me and when the elevator doors open she walks right into it beside me. I feel unbelievably uncomfortable right now with it just being us locked in here.

"I saw the guy that took you out last night, definitely more up your alley," she says so matter of fact.

All I do is give a slight smile not really looking her way, just dying for the elevator doors to open and free me from this hell I'm currently in.

"Oh and thanks for ditching him last night, he let out a lot of frustration out on me in the best way possible, if you know what I mean." she winks.

I'm becoming furious and she can tell, she's just feeding off of my rage.

"I'm actually sore from it today. You would never be able to handle a man like X, do us all a favor and stick Mr. Classic boring, and we'll all get what we want," she says in the most condescending way.

Fuck this girl.

I'm so sick of these people just walking all over me and these games they like to play as if I'm two feet tall.

That's it. I'm done, if games are what they want to play, then games we shall play.

I'm done taking the high road with these people and getting walked all over, it's gotten me nowhere.

The elevator doors open to my destination and before I walk off, I repeat her words to her from the other night

"See Adria, that's where you're wrong, I'm always up for a challenge," I say just as condescending as she did just a moment ago and walk off hearing the doors close behind me before I can get a reaction from the bitch still inside.

I'm still fuming by the time I make my way into the suite.

Alina and Ellie are now here and getting ready for the night ahead.

"Hey, girlie! What are you going to be up to tonight?" Alina asks.

I think long and hard about that question and then finally say "I'm coming with you guys."

All of them are shocked by my answer considering the shit show that occurs every time I go to the club.

"That's great!" Ellie says excitedly.

Steph is looking at me confused by my new newfound confidence I just walked in with, but doesn't question it.

"Well, when I'm done with Steph I can do your hair and makeup," Alina says with a smile.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab a glass, pouring myself a nice glass of tequila drinking it down faster than I normally ever would.

Once Alina finishes with Steph she calls me over and I sit down and she asks "Just surprise you?"

"Actually, no. Not this time." I say confidently.

She raises an eyebrow.

"Sexy. I don't want pretty or subtle, I want sexy tonight," I say.

Alina's eyes grow a little wider "Okay, sexy it is then."

She gives me a smokey-eyed look and deep sultry red lipstick. My hair is done in old Hollywood-style waves accentuating the colors and thin highlights in my hair.

When I look at my reflection in the mirror, I hardly recognize myself in a good way. Alina has definitely mastered my request, I look sexy.

I look over to Alina and ask, "Still have that lacy black dress?" And lifts an eyebrow again.

"Yeah, you want to wear that?" She asks cautiously.

I nod my head sure of it. "Okay, I'll be right back and I'll look to see if I have a black slip to go underneath." She says.

I immediately reply "No" and she looks at me confused.

"I don't want a slip, I want sexy. 100% sexy, I don't care if it's see-through, that's what I want." I say more demanding than I mean to be.

All of the girls look at each other surprised by my request but say nothing.

"Okay, coming right up." Alina winks and exits the suite.

Several minutes later she comes back with the lace dress.

I go into the bedroom, slip it on, and find some black boy shorts to wear underneath but decide not to wear a bra to leave little to the imagination. I look beyond sexy right now and I hope I don't lose my confidence anytime soon because if I do, I'll be utterly embarrassed by my choice in tonight's appearance.

I step out of the bedroom and everyone stares at me, particularly my boobs because my dress is pretty see-through.

"Wow Millie, you look incredible," Ellie says.

I thank her and say "Let's go."