
The truth

The beginning

I was at the school gate when someone shouted my name and then I turned around and I saw Amy my bestfriend I stopped and waited for her then we went to the classroom together after which I copied her math homework then the bell rang and we went to the ground for the assembly.I stuck my head out to look for him then I saw one of his friend so I thought he is there but I couldn't get a sight of him till the last period of school

After which I went back home feeling kinda bad hoping the next day would be better

Next day

It was 7:21 a.m. in the morning when I had woken up from sleep then I got up did my daily routine after doing my chores it was 8:12 a.m. after that I dressed up for school and went to my friends house to pick them up after reaching school I looked around then I heard someone behind me saying

'Looking for him again' then I turned around and saw my cousin I gave him an awkward smile and ran to my class