
Comments of chapter undefined of Smallville I am Clark Kent



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I hope you won't make the same mistake as with your first fanfiction (keep coming back to the previous chapter but with the angle of another person) from time to time it's ok but not all the weather

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oh no pity no Chinese MC, who has an oversized ego, and who wants all the girls for himself. it's horrible

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I hope that all Kryptonian abilities are used, genius level intellect, super memory, one of the things that made Clark so average was the way he was raised by his adoptive parents, with his parents telling him to never stand out and every time who stood out for something he was criticized and compared to a cheater, it's the same as making someone with a high IQ be average if it's not cheating or someone who runs faster than others not giving their best if it's not cheating, clark limits himself a lot because of his upbringing, mainly because of his father who, honestly, is very petty, proud, a poor arrogant person who thinks the owner of the truth has high morals, this probably did a lot of harm to Clark and must have made him feel like a freak, I hope he really takes better advantage of the fortress of solitude, he must have a lot of knowledge there since his biological father was a genius scientist and if I'm not mistaken his biological mother was also a scientist.

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so he saved her... pff

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Man, I hope he's not as stupid as other superman characters and uses the super brain in his head. The guy has the potential to be Rick Sanchez, but he's always stupid and acts solely on his raw strength without eliminating his own weaknesses. I hope you can make him a genius like Rick Sanchez or close to it. I think he has this potential with a super brain.

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not chole because of what the actress did.lois all the way

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Nice first long chapter. Would love to see Lex getting to be a good guy in this universe.

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Don't be a scummy murder hobo. That's all I'm asking.

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Add to the Harem: Chloe Sullivan, Lana Lang, Lois Lane, Zatanna Zatara, Tess Mercer, Kara Kent/SuperGirl, Victoria Hardwick, Alaina Huffman, Alicia Baker, Bette Sans Souci/Plastique, Faora, Alia, Vala, Courtney Whitmore/Stargirl, Cat Grant.

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Thanks for the chapter 🙏

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A Smallville FanFic!? YES! Take my power stones! Even if you don't want them I am throwing them at you! Keep up the good work!

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ngl, I Liked Smallville too, but I remember next to nothing about it, except that I Was incredibly annoyed at how it ended.

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Thanks for the chapter.

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shame you didnt sic lex on whitney

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The only thing that’s bugging me is the change to his age. He’s a freshman in high school during the first season. And he’s 14 years old. The actor the cast was 24 years old playing a 14 year old, so I can’t blame you for being confused. They also didn’t outright say his age very often, if at all. But I’m posting this to help: Season 1: Age 14, turns 15 sometime by end of Freshman Year Season 2: Age 15, Sophomore Season 3: Age 16, Junior Season 4: Age 17, Senior Season 5: Age 18, Freshman in college, he drops out not too long after starting. Chronologically, he just gets one year older every season. There’s no time skips beyond jumping past summer. The big finale is always in May and the show will skip past summer and usually give a recap dragged out over a few episodes. By the end of the series he’s 24 years old being played by a 34 year old.

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Let me organize my thoughts here , Lois lane ( Smallville version( Erica Durance)is still my favorite incarnation and solid for my ride or die girl and hot too, ),but that's just me. Anyway, which bring up my point early Lana lang was hot, but to flighty, and diva for my boy Clark Kent boy that Lana lang didn't have any good points either . subsequently since new Clark Kent is going to be saving her one a daily basis. Points for steamrolling the Chole Sullivan ( I'm all separating the art from the previous actress who played her ) but wouldn't change her looks ,but everyone isn't with whatshe did and I understand that too,but Don kill the immersion for me. Next up, Clark Kent made good progress on keeping the van and being better friend with Lex Luthor even though Dark things might still happen to him ,despite being your best friend and changing his dsrk future possibly. Instead being a selfish Superman Clark Kent isn't a bad thing in your love live. but an arrogant shoshen Chinese protagonist sounds cringe after what he just said . Other than that ,adding Alicia and Tess Mercer doesn't sound to bad either way but at best speculation still living in the USA laws on polygamous relationships in your DC verse World and their at best paramour for Clark Kent, . My best speculation guesses Continue on Cheers!

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Thanks for the chapter. I look forward to the continuation. Please don't stop writing fanfic. And release more chapters more often.

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thanks for the chapter when is chapter two up ?`?