
Comments of chapter undefined of Chronicling The Chain


Juajjaja hahaha HaHAHA JAJA HAHA jajajaj hahahHaaha binari


The non-binary identity from their previous life is completely irrelevant. Because they can now select a gender and a form custom to their new physical desires, there’s no reason to even bring up this non-binary identity. In addition, you could even remove any previous mental disorder from your old life using jumpchain stuff. I feel that things like transgender identities alienate 99% of readers. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just mentioned in passing. What I find is that transgender fics have a habit of mentioning their gender identity in every single chapter. People don’t want to read fics about exploring the character’s gender identity. They read these fics for escapism, not to read about politics and the ever-evolving gender expressions that literally change every year. So I’m hoping this is the last chapter that mentions their gender because it isn’t relevant to this type of story.

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Jump chain, one of the favorite types to read.... too bad I have never found one that is semi long and completed. The closest being Carl the Jumper but it died.