
Comments of chapter undefined of Tycoon Actor in Hollywood


not that it really bothered me or anything but you did not write the whole lyrics sometimes you missed a sentence so if you are going to keep putting in songs maybe check for that next time. but anyway i really like the novel keep it up :D


I like to read fics with actors and singers, so I wouldn’t have been bothered if you did the full song. I like to listen while reading most of the time. Anyway, really like where this is going so far, excited about the reactions to the Modern Family episode too. Keep going, you’re doing great 😁


I’m glad he’s sticking with hits. Some fics choose these random songs that zero impact on the Billboard. I mean, if you’re going to plagiarize music, you might as well go after the most successful songs, right? The MC needs to start recording these songs and copyrighting them. Someone could try to steal “his” songs. It would be ironic, right?


really hopeful for real character development where lucas show flaws and weakness and his determination and his struggle to overcome it, and not only walk in the park just because he is transmigrator/from the future. especially since it was already stated there's different events/facts in this timeline, like different songs exists, maybe you can expand further like what lucas know will be successful movie/film is flop in this reality, maybe his involvement can cause something changes good or bad that makes him more careful and wanting to become better actor. also one fact that hopefully not just a exposition without meaning, the fact that lucas is no-named/failed actor, while he does have experiences compared to new actors, i'd hope to see real development where lucas realize that his acting skill is still mediocre compared to the vast hollywood, that he is still the same old lucas and he need to better his acting skill and his struggle to achieve it. maybe his previous life he lacks charisma, but this new life his charisma is different, or anything that show us a character arc...


I guess I won't be satisfied by this side development until he actually sits down on a PC to verify what's missing from the history of music and records a compilation of greatest hits under his name.


thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter


thanks for the chapter!

