
Comments of chapter undefined of Skyrim x Witcher: Tale of Chronicle Explorers

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I kind want him to fail. I mean magic is Always portrayed as slower then bullets but let be real here magic would have to get around monster, superhuman and magical material there is no way real magic is weaker then small arms. I mean lighting moves 30,000 times faster then a bullets and movies can cast spark.


You have good point. I kind of the same. Falling into the mindset is slower then firearms.

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mc should use the Magic from other franchises and combine the best from them to create his own magic school, after all the believes and visions are important for magicka right?? with mc's memories of his past lifes and his understanding of diferent magic systems that he knows that are real 100% it should be possible for him to Recreate easily a amalgamation of diferent magic schools that are similar

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Thanks for the chapter