
Comments of chapter undefined of Rise of the Immortal Black Dragon King

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My friend I’m happy to tell you all you need to know so Mitsuya kanzaki is from the story denpachi Where he gets pulled into a type of death game called innovate where your phones equal your lives with them being used to keep you alive and also fight via a form of combat called denpachi where a person would type out a form of code onto there phone which produces a unique phenomenon mitsuya is a class called sword knight with there’s special ability being to harden anything to be as sharp as a sword which he uses to turn his belt into a sword At the end of the one shot denpachi it is left with the readers believing mitsuya is aiming to get to level 100 and gaining freedom from the death games which I believe also results in him gaining the second sacred gear of his being innovative clear which also provides him with the powers of the other classes I believe heres my personal notes on each of the classes also Sword knight: can harden any object to become a sword or armor but consumes battery/energy over time Mage: is able to conjure and manipulate elements at the cost of battery/energy may have possible enchantment powers based off cover of the heroines weapon Support magic is possible and other magic can be used affter casting a support one It is possible to produce magical items or enhance the concept of items at least and example of this is the healing cold pads Reviving people is not possible Only seem to be able to control earth Fire and Water/ice They can also use something called searching magic to find stuff or locations They also have healing magic Hunter: gains enhanced vision also gains the power to increase the power of anything which leaves there hands some examples being a arrow and a water gun,cds Fighter: increase the offensive and defensive power of one’s own body. Class activation requirements: They must type or write out the effect they want to produce Also they may set up short cuts to performing such actions such as setting the leter B to always enact the effect of harderning a belt into a sword


Also sorry for such a long comment

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Since someone already answered on the dempachi Novel, I'll focus on his DxD info. As told by the author, This Kanzaki and Dempachi Kanzaki aren't the same person, they are at best an "Alternate universe" version. Why is Ajuka hostile to Kanzaki is unknown, what is known is that Ajuka gained the idea if developing his game "Beelzebot" when he learned about "Innovate Clear" being used to create a "Game World. In his appearance, it is mentioned that no normal person or technology can capture or perceive his existence, only through special means can his existence be perceived for normal people.He offhandedly mentions that he needs his "Terminals" that both act as a conduit for the 2 Longinus and as "Anchors" to "This world", as apparently, he can't stay on the normal world for long without an anchor, coupled with his "Weird Nature", it is implied by Tobio that his very existence may have been deleted or rejected from the world and is now tied to another "World", which is probably a world created and maintained using "Innovate Clear".The OG user of the Longinus, Naikiri Momiji was mentioned to be safe inside that "World", and it is by her own choice if she wants go come out or no, he also mentions that entering that "place" requires a spacial passage and that his duty is only protecting it.In the Slash Dog novel, we learn that Momiji, before having whatever event that led to her meeting Kanzaki, was kept in an isolated shrine that was inside a pocket dimension of its own, as her clan viewed her Longinus as the "Ultimate Taboo", an "Outer Law" that defied all that was sacred, they didn't mistreat her per se, they just isolated her of fear that her power will leak or be discovered.We also discover in Slash Dog that both she and the wielder of Innovate Clear are targets for Satannael who wants to create the "Ultimate Sacred Gear", this leads me to think that he may be responsible for whatever event that led Kanzaki to meeting the 2 Longinus, and being able to borrow their power.

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No se mucho de está parte que preguntas pero me está gustando mucho por como está encarrilada la historia además de lo organizado que está la planificación, lo único que te podría decir si es que se puede mejorar es la cantidad de palabra pero sacando eso va en buen camino


just search highschool dxd antyverse