
Comments of chapter undefined of Tycoon of Video Games

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This is a good decision. He can't meet the demand of video games for the entire world. Besides, he'll get a small cut of everything they make. So, easy money lol


It is worse for him if they do not have competition, they can apply antitrust laws and they would divide their company into two parts, as you said, one in charge of the software and the other in charge of hardware, or in the worst case scenario, they could make laws so that a game developer I cannot create hardware by separating these parts. That is what happened with the Paramount law, which was born due to the dominance of the production companies in the market for almost all cinemas.

Dnnhhh:No it is not. They are a hardware company first and game developers second. They can make games for KS1 but their console shouldn’t be allowed to survive

Sorry, but this where I drop the story. MC is an idiot and is putting his competition on life support when he should be assiting in digging the graves. I hope you have good future endeavors, but I will not be wathcing them.


I left it, good luck to you but I can't stand reading this Chinese MTL anymore


This is so stupid, he is just giving them the opportunity to use him then throw him away. What will he do when they create their own game engine? They would not even need him and in return he will just give them a big boost in business.


I think from the countless chinese novels ive read that the mc would forgive that secretary and not punish her in any way.


no wonder this novel has 1200 chapters in mtl so expect to be disappointed bcz he will make these stupid decisions in future


He is basically getting money by doing nothing and since the ennemies will want to produce a maximum of benefit, this will not be a small amount. Plus he can’t have a total monopoly on the video game domain, he needs other competitors so giving them quality is best. And finally, he will have a control over the engine and since everyone must send them their data, he will always have the best of the best in term of software, and nobody will be able to catch up to him so easily. He will basically be present everywhere, and those who will see it will be too late to react. And I don’t know if the engine can be used for other things like animation of movie effects, but if it can then the more the engine grows, the better for KiShin. I don’t see why so much comments are getting angry with the MC. This is a good deal, he never could have completely eliminated the other game companies, and doint it would have been stupid.


if competitors fall others will rise to take their place... that's called economy ... no neeed to shoot yourself in the foot to help your competition ...this is a huge contrivance to keep tension up


I'm kinda disappointed,I really don't think MC sgould've done this,MC should've just taken adavantage while he could as he's ahead of the World in VG Engine as the World will create their own Game Engine Eventually,there's no need to provide your competitors with your hard work,As for his developers becoming complacent,Couldn't MC just make rules and regulations for them to not make their game's quality down?As for creativity,MC already has all the game ideas till 2023,So I really don't get It why MC is helping his Competitors out of their mess,I mean dude has been dragging Tora-Suzuki till this latest Chapter,Even while MC released Super Hit and Famous games Tora-Suzuki still kept up with KiShin,are you kidding me,a single hit franchize could give a Video Game Company fame for quite a few Years but Tora-Suzuki always Overcame them in Months and Finally when they were in trouble MC just had to give them a hand and It's been Only a Few days till Tora-Suzuki got ahead and now they faced a little trouble and MC is there for them,Dude I'm fed Up of this Tora-Suzuki BS.


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wth?!? just development reports ? He should get for providing gaming engines . Man it was really good but not sure about the route it is taking currently


Should add a clause making them apologize for stealing credit for the revival of video games which belongs to Shin preferably on live TV. U.S., Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, South America, Australia and Canada etc.


is MC an Idiot ? But i will trust Author to knew what he is doing. Maybe MC planning to have a monopoly on Game Dev




He's covering his bases, I mean we already saw how many potentially extremely profitable avenue Shins got, with Internet-Apple-Amazon-Marvel comics- Nvidia-Kshin games-One Piece/Naruto/DBZ-Kshin Toys and all his soft/hardware techs-CGI etc. All this is almost exclusively owned by Shin, so right now he is filthy rich and it's almost impossible for him to fall. Now, whenever there is a monopoly in an industry it is bad for the sector, competition breeds success, and he already said way before that he doesn't want and have the capacity to maintain a worldwide market by himself. With the deal, he maintains his competitors just enough in the market that they still profit from it without only relying on Kshin to maintain the industry thriving. He gets all the data he needs to perfect his soft/hardware and put it deacdes ahead of any potential rival without them noticing. We already know he hasn't got the same reach that Tora and Suzuki does being giants in Tech and motors in some countries like South Korea with his issues to promote and distribute games over there. He needs other competitors, there is no Ubisoft-Blizzard-Microsoft or anything like that at this point, only Nintendo (Kshin) and Tora-Suzuki, 2 doesn't maintain a market and even less if they start to get cold feet since it seems to be more trouble than gains when their TSX stop selling because of game library poverty.


thanks for the chapter


I don't see a problem with the deal . First, it prevents stagnation in the game industry due to Kishin over saturating it. Plus with more competitors, it helps increase the gaming industry profitability faster.Secondly, Kishin will be provided with data to improve the VG engine.Lastly, in the coming future were the gaming industry is robust, Kishin can easily terminate the contract and due to ToraxSuzuki reliance on the engine, they will out the gaming industry.NB: The VG engine is not the final gaming engine; it is the Unreal engine.


thanks for the chap [img=update]


Thanks for the chapter


I think MC could have gotten better conditions, but I saw this as being inevitable. Just like any market, a monopoly is impossible, so the best you can do is to outdo your competitors and make your competitors rely on your tech.