
Comments of chapter undefined of Imagination - HP


thx for the chap. i would like luna,she is smart ,thinks different and has a mystery aspect about her that could do well with the system.and she loves animals! in the end its up to you and im sure it will be good and interesting (= some1 unexpected would be nice too


I don't particularly care who you put him with as long as it is a singular person. I have read your other HP stories, and while they were extremely well written and very enjoyable overall, I did not particularly enjoy what you did with his love life. Most harems ruin stories. you and enlion are part of the very (VERY) few that can write them well enough to not detract from your storytelling. Even though that is the case, I would still prefer a singular partner. That's just my opinion, though. I find it distasteful to dictate what authors should write, so I will not tell you what to write, but I hope I have made my opinion on the matter of Harry's love life clear.


Hermione is the only girl of his age he has had close interactions with. She has also shown certain interest on him. You, the author, would have to introduce a new girl with a certain chemistry with Harry. Whatever your choice is, good luck!


I’m not a big fan of Hermione pairing, plus i think it would be great to not work out and learn more about relationships and other interactions. Just no make it too angsty and dramatic please x.x


about author's note: i hope they DO end up together


I'm actually rooting for a Harry/Hermione pairing. Id'dbe disappointed if they did not end up together, but oh well. I'll still read whatever you wrote


Victor will make a great member to Harry’s harem if you go that route lol Nevertheless harems just ruins a good story. So keep up with the great work and looking forward for the next chapter!


Thanks for the chapter :)


It's your story, so do what you feel comfortable with writing in regards to the pairing mate. Imo though, Hermione to me always seemed a better fit as a sister figure, even if I do like the way you're portraying her. Still, she's rather dependent on Harry and I can't see them in a truly equal relationship atm. Fleur or in a few years even Tonks would fit better I think. Fleur could be the passion to his logic, and Tonks pushing him into properly enjoying life with her goofiness/impulsiveness(tempered by auror training), whereas Hermione is perhaps too much like him as things stand now. Harry and Hermione dating for a few months to a school year could see them figuring out that they're much too alike, with Hermione honestly having little to over Harry doesn't already bring to the table himself. With Fleur going to work for Gringotts as a warder or curse breaker(not sure which it canonically is tbh), she could be a liaison to the Goblins as well if he wants to rent out grants to them to help with vault security and such? Honestly Fleur's Veela nature is also something you can really play with, especially with a System like Harry's. Giving himself Creature abilities perhaps, upgrading Fleur's heritage with some Phoenix genes for further control of her allure and regeneration maybe? Honestly you're a creative writer and despite it's flaws and rather shallow harem romance I really did like Origin(and the one before) so I'm sure wherever you choose to go with this fic it'll at least be fun to read.


Thanks for the chap 👍👌💎


Thanks for the chapter


go harem!!!