
Comments of chapter undefined of Dual Cultivation God Returns


Thanks! Well I never had a problem with cultivation cauldrons when it comes to enemies. Why kill a powerful female when she is after your life? Use her and take all her cultivation. Killing is a waste of resources


I dont mind it, but its not needed i guess. He will be op enough with his expirience of past life. What i want to see is his family, sexy mom and sisters...

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ok likeing the story so far, it has the feel and reminds me of dual cultivation, which i really enjoy, not a bad mc so far. just 1 minor issue, it takes u so long so much to say simple things, and concept, where u can say something in 5 words it takes 3 paragrphs, like his arm injury last chapter, and about his god of pleasure title. simple ideas or concepts that some timEs have slight barings on back stories and history, do not need info dumps explantions. it would truly help the flow countnuty, and hugly lessen the stailness and boardness factor. where most just have to scan that pargraph to get to the meat of the story.

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Unnecessary torture is just evil. He has no need to torture him, he's not getting more info, he's just torturing him for the sake of torture. Just kill him and be done with it.


How many chapter does one need to describe a single scene ?


wasted too much time on this he should have just cut his head off