
Comments of chapter undefined of Overwatch: Rise of Rose

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Meh I'm ok with this

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Well, there goes his ability. I hope this is just a slight annoyance that gets solved in the future or just a problem that he made up. Seems a bit stupid to be having split personally all of a sudden.

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Mc true self is probably like ichigo and hallow ichigo(Zangetsu) In which the hallow ichigo main primary goal is survival meaning he will do what mc could not like not holding back going wild Mc other half is probably telling him to not get to cocky and be to dependable to galvanic mode and should be creative

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While I love the novel up to this point. This plot twist is both cringy and a way overdone trope for inner turmoil in characters. Like I can't imagine having that kind of dilemma unless someone has serious mental issues like Dissociative Personality Disorder or Schizophrenia. Please tell me this is short-lived?

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cheap, stupid and unnecessary drama

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i know this is late but quite frankly I hate this! One of the main drawbacks of fighting yourself in this way is that it's as much an emotional battle as it is a physical. Literally all the criticisms from the evil Shawn were ignored or ineffective while the trash talking was just that trash talking there was no real truth behind his words. The mc should have faced his demons about the people he killed or let die or about him trying to learn to control his anger or the mishandling of his butler or any number of things but instead it was just a bunch of "your a loser who doesn't fight like a true assassin and me overclocking the galvanic state which will put more strain on my body and energy reserves when I'm in long drawn out battles is clearly the intelligent move." Seriously the mc wasn't even really phased in fact this evil Shawn reminds me more of a troll on the internet who can only say you stupid while giving no real explanation which is annoying but not much else. Also I feel like the mc should have won the fight as he was fighting smarter by limiting the power to outlast his opponent which should have worked and been the correct answer. Honestly this whole scene bothers me as there was no growth or true problems it was just sudden mental space with no clear explanation as to why or what imbalance there was in the guy.

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Wait so he lost? Bruh i thought he skuld gain some new forms or techniques

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