
Comments of chapter undefined of Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

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Wow...10 days or more to update a chapter already updated on your patron for free. I mean I know they are paying you money but you already are giving them exclusive chapters, like the star wars revised script, and a Naruto story so a little something to the people that supported you with stones when this was free for all wouldn't be bad. At least you could have updated the chapters on time in webnovel since you know we are several chapters behind those on your patr-eon. I really miss the time when this was updated once every two days or later every three days, but now I fear the time between updates for free users would be more and more and it will reach a time where you would update here once a week if we are lucky. I have been reading this story for months but when you opened your patr-eon I feel like you have forgotten about us here. But I'm just a free reader of your story that could never support you with money so it seems I'm no longer your target audience, its my opinion at least


mayoness, I mean disrespect but I wasn't uploading on pat. reon as well. If I stopped uploading there, I stop uploading here as well. And my internet at my uncle's place was so bad that it is a real struggle to even open up the app and load the pages so I can upload things between the apps. Sorry if I made it feel like I was being insincere. I am sorry, I will do better in the future. Have a beautiful day 😁👍

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