
Comments of chapter undefined of Mountain with a Soul

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are we finally gonna stop dancing around the obvious ?!?!? AT THIS POINT OUR MC ( WHO WE DONT EVEN KNOW THE APPEARANCE OF OTHER THAN A MOUNTAIN) SHOULD NOW KNOW WHERE HE IS . WHAT. IS. GONNA. DO ?!?!?!.


uuuh I thought it was fairly obvious, but he does know where he is (I guess I didn't explain it clearly, but I believe that in earlier chapters he did find out that he didn't get transported anywhere else i.e. he is in the exact same place because he literally cannot move) + His definitive appearance kind of uhh is in process of being built by himself and the things he finds? If I set a basic appearance of the spirit then I'd have to change it every chapter he upgrades it / molds it to suit the enemies better. It's literal playdough that he will work with, BUT he didn't even deploy it and no one else knows of its existence. I don't want to just fill word count like that and if you or anyone else feels like I am doing that please point it out. If you are talking about the human side, then I still have some plans that will get cleared up after the plot progresses further, including his definitive human appearance and the entire backstory (which got half explained in an earlier chapter)

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thanks for the chapter