
Comments of chapter undefined of Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)


Don’t know why people are so negative it’ a narrative based on the fact that he is cowardly but wants to learn magic it’ sorta built in to follow along all he does is train learn and try to live his life and there is nothing wrong with that although I do agree on the not reporting or at least fighting against the detention from mcgonnagall seems a bit to much for me but other then that great book


honestly author you are ruining the book and i know you ain't gonna take any of our opinions to ur heart as you're alr like 10-20 chapters ahead in patreon but judging the personality of Harry shown so far i would find it wierd and forced if he doesn't take action against Hogwarts as they are simply putting the lives of students at risk due to their great headmasters scheme to train the next wizard who shall defeat the dark lord. i hope he makes sure all of the faculties know that Harry refused to go there but was forced and also make him call out flich if i am right for his sadistic ways of punishing young wizards bcs he's a pathetic squib, such things can happen anywhere but not a wizard school as Hogwarts is meant for witches and wizards and not squibs.........


I don’t like how Harry is forced by the plot to reveal himself. He didn’t even complain about going to the forest as a first year student which is a stupid and dangerous punishment especially if the school know that there was something killing and drinking unicorns blood. It’s just seem like forced plot to me


I came this far reading this story even though the mc was acting like some nice guy in an annoying way, I thought he would become more assertive but it seems like he will keep on getting pushed around. I mean, everyone keeps on insulting his parents like its nothing and all he does is scold them....smh, it seems there is no change in him whatsoever and he is even getting unfair treatment from the teachers too.


Force plot. From what you showed us Harry should be outing the staff for putting him in danger.


if he doesn't out the man now for having Voldy on the backcof his head now that his life is in danger it seems a bit unrealistic and dumb.


this is just trash now, me outto


For the love of the Creator, please tell me he'll report the faculty, Longbottom, Weasely, and Malfoy.


Well, that's it for me. The mc's behavour is simply too pathetic and the author nerfs him too much. The forced plot is ridiculous too, so I'm out.


rubbish, forced and useless plot.


I hate that he didnt slap him back saying they shouldnt of been out there in the first place. That it made no sense for a bunch of first years to go out into that forest. At night. With one teacher. Who cant cast magic. Splitting up. After something killing and drinking the blood of unicorns. If anything it should be him or aurors. That it seems theres others in dire need of learning a lesson instead of him. And frankly sue them. I hate this garbage of letting it all happen when it's an mentally older MC. Not even trying to clap them back for their garbage no matter how bad it gets.




seriously gonna be mad if he doesnt threat mc gonnagel with cursing her entire bloodline for basically sending him to his potential death


Well... The book is still decent. Even if the quality has somewhat dropped. Considering the author is twenty chaos ahead on Patreon; I hope the author doesn't mind some constructive criticism- And ideas for further down the line?Harry has shown to be cautious; and yet ambitious. That would give good reason to temporarily; expand his horizons beyond Hogwarts to another school. You can eventually bring him back during the tourney; not as a contestant- But as a student from those schools. Sirius Black/Lockharts arc ain't that important anyways for him.Expanding on the tourney. He has absolutely no reason to be a contestant. He's not a Horcrux. Nor does Voldy need to do a fancy ritual; to circumvent his mother's protection. If he must get involved- It can be to help train Neville for the tasks; and perhaps plant a portkey on his person to activate once the ritual is done.Consider expanding into another series... This is already an AU. Voldemort never really went outside the UK. You could expand into the plots of The Dresden Files, The Magician series, Supernatural, etc. It also offers a potential source for his crest. I mean the magical screaming; made me think of a genus loci... Which could have used Harry's crest; to ban Voldy from its domain.




thank you for your service






Too forced plot, too soft, passive and weak-willed Harry. The author doesn’t even provide any character development