
Comments of chapter undefined of (COMPLETE) A Murder Wizards Adventures

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he could've stayed dead but It was best Fic none the less

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It was so bad I had to read it entirely to see the endšŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤, naa jokes aside your story was incredible,your MC even more, thanks for all of itšŸ¤™šŸ––

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I'll consider the epilogue as a True Ending, 'cause this Secret Ending feels very unnatural compared to the whole story. Still written very well, thank you for the great story!

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till the next one

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I just read this entire book in one huge binge fest I loved every part of it. One thing I didnā€™t like was the secret ending ending the whole becoming a god part was absolutely terrible but the being resurrected and fighting his daughter I enjoyed but everything after that was bad Iā€™m kinda bummed out that this story is now finished Do you have any plans for another story in the future Anywho take care and keep up the great work

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It was nice while it lasted. Time to go catch them all

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sick ending mate cant wait for the next one thanks.

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Huhh.Duude, what are you smoking?Gimme that

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Wow even though I am big softie and like when everyone is happy and nobody dies because I don't want to be sad. I really enjoyed this novel and came to like Mc. Ofc not everything was perfect. I was really sad that he died ( hoped to see him in father role more ) but than I found Mcs death oddly fitting for this novel and think that is is better of the two endings. Anyway thanks for great novel i had a blast. Really hope to see some new novel from you sir !

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one of the best mc ever the end is smiler to naruto: immortal but its good fic but you made it fast so fast you could do more but it was a good fic waiting for your next fic a hobe it's not disappointing šŸ™šŸæšŸ‘šŸæšŸ–¤

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I'll consider the epilogue as my ending here. It was great to see him battling with his daughter, but after that, it went downhill. So, I'll have my ending with him dying. I should have taken your advice when you said not to read ahead, but nevertheless, I enjoyed seeing him battle Hanari and the other characters' point of view, like Tsunade and Shikamaru.

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thank you for this great book? series? novel? light-novel? web-novel? ehh, just thank you mate!

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Thank you for the update

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The actual death of the MC felt very contrived. It was definitely forced plot. But I liked the way he setup for his resurrection. I just wish heā€™d acted the part of being the villain instead of turning into one. Would have been more compelling that he was just acting the part to lure out Zetsu.

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kill your self

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(Sniff) I loved this guy so much that you made me feel genuine sadness at his death. Genuine sadness for his daughter and genuine regret that I read the title and assumed it was a Harry Potter fic and therefore skipped it for a year. Never have I regretted not reading something more in my life. Salute to you man, I have donated the apparently and criminally the first 3 power stones you have received will remember this story for a long time. Keep on killing it you murder hobo~

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Thanks for this awesome ending!! Although the idea to get him reincarnated in the final Arc I guess it was inspired by the fanfic 'infinite stamina'?

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A good fic and in time it will be remembered as one of the best fics , I will be honest I am interested in seeing the next fic you make

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Fantastic story, I went into it somewhat expecting to be disappointed by yet another edgy naruto ff considering the premise and calling himself a psychopath right out the gate but you play the character off extremely well with a dash of both witty comebacks and logical events happening. Slightly disappointed machi and his kid from the maid never came up again but those are relatively minor compared to everything that was done so well.

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Legit had me laughing through the whole story, loved every moment of it, and canā€™ wait till the next part šŸ”„šŸ™‡šŸ¾šŸ”„ Also blame you for my lack of sleep and job productivity the last 2 days.

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Can't say this was all that unexpected... I mean Hana was always a psychopath.