
Comments of chapter undefined of The Reincarnator's Tavern


Idk if I’m missing something so if I am correct me. But if he keeps making wills/minds, and can make new Programs anytime he wishes. Wouldn’t that let him make new programs while fighting? Maybe even use divination or even just his normal senses to predict the future, or just plan, and make programs that he feels would be useful or necessary with his extra wills/minds. Maybe even make multiple at the same time.


I don't think it is a good idea to try and unbalance your MC for plot reasons when the character itself doesn't want to go through that route. It would be fine if he made a decision knowing the risks and ended up in an unbalanced situation but this story already has a lot of points that mitigate the Main Character's achievements and if you start using the plot to do the same it would probably become a bit boring due to his lack of agency. Every change he makes in the story is already mitigated by the other reincarnators, every time he gets stronger than the setting his strength will be counterbalanced by the fact that there are others with broken builds doing similar things as him, and every cool innovation he comes up with to break the mold instantly gets tossed in as something commonly achievable by the other players, as was the case with the Force Metaknolledge. Overall I just think you have to be careful not to take even more away from the choices Ray makes or what would even be the point of him being the MC in the first place? Love the story and thanks for the chapter.

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Author in one of your comments you said Rayleigh will go to MCU to learn proper swordmanship for 3 years and after earning enogh mission points will apperenticeship under Mihawk. But although they wont be Mihawk level wont learning swordmanship in hunter world be better than MCU? I am pretty sure there are pretty impressive sword arts in hunter world. Since it's society is much more advanced than standart earth of MCU in martial way and at the same time gaining experience at danger zones and different dojos around the world won't be bad either. Hunter world is much more suitable in 'physical' sense than MCU for a human who can run around with tons of weight to train.

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Potentially the most monstrous use of observation haki in one peice is Hawkeye looking out his window halfway around the world and knowing what was going on at Mariejois Reverie


what happen if Ray uses psychometry on a devil fruit??


Yeah unfortunately the way you set up the force he's going to have to be unbalanced to do anything useful. He's currently kind of a paper tiger. On paper he's very strong and in specific situations, he can be very powerful but he can't actually do anything significant with it because he chained himself to a power source that doesn't like being used. Like a sword that can cut anything but it doesn't have a handle. You can use it sure but only delicately without cutting off your own fingers.


Hey, it would be great if in some event or even in other worlds you can summon friends you made in a world when you reach a high friendship level. And if you don't want friends to remember that, just lock their memories in their original world.


You know for the light fruit, you can give it a flashbang/light bulb attack that blinds enemies. For the dark fruit I really don’t think the pocket dimension fits in well, instead I believe some other gravity ability or the ability to phase through weapons would be better. Imagine fighting another sword user or netero again and his sword phases through the ball or weapon to reach the person.


Apply haki on the sword and make it permanent.Problem solve 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for the Chapter 😁 . . . sorry for the earlier lack of fidelity... Please add the form manipulation to the Lightsabre...like making hammers...Drill...Spiked Mace... because if not the only modification are from round to thin... and it would be a loss for the fruit power... I know he is a Swordsman but there are different type of swords... and having some different forms could be useful in certain situations... like a Light hammer powered with gravity manipulation... Just an idea...


Thanks for the chapter


This has been a fun story so far. But this chapter almost made me quit.. that movement programming thing is really stupid, because it means Ray isn't actually using his own abilities. He's been pretty cool up til now, but now his speed is just going to be fake, and not a real, true part of him. He should have just found a way to use the force so his thoughts go directly to his nerves and bypass the travel time. Instead, you've turned him even more into a puppet than the force did. From now on, all I'll be able to think about is the fact that everything he accomplishes won't be down to his own strength, it's just the cheat codes he programmed his body with. It's just really disappointing.


Actually, I have a question . How will room of spirit and time work in conjunction with a tavern ??


Thanks for the chapter!!


Thanks for the chapter! Great again!


Thanks for the chapter




can anyone explain to me what was in the chapter


Thanks for chapter


Ty for the chapter author sama