
Comments of chapter undefined of Custom monster system


Wish i read this sooner. I would of loved to bounce some ideas off you, of where to story could go from here. I'm a keep reading now.


second one I say. the story is really good and you did well to make the character non-human in his actions. Also you can make it so the world responds to his power by rapidly evolving strong creature to combat him and equal out the ecosystem so he can't just rule it make monsters like from the Godzilla monsterverse that heal the surroundings around them so the fights don't destroy the planet


personally I don't want you to quit but also I want to be able to read this book again so don't get rid of all of this is it good book you're doing great just add another book and do you rework and thank you for your time


I think you should actually end this story finish it off with the Mc tying off all the loose ends and finish his island project maybe make himself some offspring and then you follow the story of his offsprings journeys in duffernt universe's as the Mc completes his island and makes it its own separate dimension after becoming a deity that can create matter etc that way you don't kill off the Mc or nerf him to the point the story isn't worth writing anymore


you should write epilogue for the end of this world and then attempt the Multiverse travels. that way if you mess up with the Multiverse travels you can just delete it and still have a perfectly good story and then you can try the second option if you do mess up the Multiverse travels.


I would like for you to continue with the multiverse way I really like the monster mc in different worlds maybe next world could be My little pony to get that magic yo. P.S- you don’t even need to use plot just crush it with op mc lol


a better solution is new game+ you finish this one with him beating everything and being the strongest then have the system let him know that this worlds his own as a reward and it becomes a inner world for him then you have him reborn in a new game + version of the world where he starts over but gets to keep a few things like the mind skill and can visit his inner world version anytime to go back to his previous power and to relax when needed


Sad boy (me)😭 I like the book as it is but it's up to you to do whatever man but I'm sad now


honestly multiversal type stories can be confusing but it gave a lot of free rein for writers to manipulate the stories however they wanted by justifying it with another universe thing but if your going to stick to the original theme of the fanfic you'd have to rewrite and remove the overly powered stuff you gave to the protagonist and replace them with something grounded to the theme of the story, and if your planning on going multiversal then go ham with it so long as it's logically justifiable. i like this fanfic cause there is not a lot of inhuman fanfic that makes an MC a monster or not humanoid, it's refreshing to read and root on, honestly i like the fanfic to stay centered on monster hunter cause all the multiverse stories out there always get jumbled up and you had to backread at least 30 chapters back to get a sense of the story.


why not do both the story is amazing and i would love to see it go to the end, but i also look forward to more of this style.


great job and personally I'd like it if you restarted it ( option 2) I truly look forward to reading this work of yours


I love the way you do a non human character in this and would like to see what you could do with a pokemon fanfic where he tries to become a legendary pokemon but without a trainer so he has no linear progression to compare to especially now we have dynamax, mega evolution and alpha forms


just have him get the floating island and hibernate for a few eons then wake up to a stronger world that you can make whatever you want


just continue writing but with a world with a higher power limit


I am enjoying this story, but I wouldn't mind a rewrite.




why not give him the human human fruit then send him to the tale of demons and gods


im not sure what i want... the thing i actually want the most for this fanfic is just continuing in another world or something but if that isnt possible i actually think ill drop this. i hope that if the second option is chosen its just as good. tftc btw


? Scale of power has nothing to do with character interaction. OP systems have nothing to do with character interaction. Author being BAD at writing character interaction has something to do with character interaction. Plenty of stories where the character is OP that has decent to good interactions.


u could have him in a massive fight and end up crippled for a few years or a century for him to get back to full straight it won't be a nerf more like a woned that he got after a fight and has to massive limit himself or he risk more damage to his body and self