
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn In Chicago Fire



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It was reported on the news on air without much delay throught the world, all the news anchors and expectators were relaying on visual to transmit the news, throught the cameras in the news there was not much to go, and it was believed to be at first some malfuction that caused the explosion, when it was shown the second tower explosion nobody knew what to expect, then it was relayed that a third plane tried to go to a goberment facility and most news stopped giving information about what they believed or not, just giving us visuals, sound, and updates on rescue services, hospitals etc.

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To me it kind of began as a joke. Watching tv I switched channels only to get annoyed that half a dozent channels showed the same god dammed movie. By the fifth channel it kind of dawned on us that it wasn't a movie but reality...

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I was 4 years old so I don't remember anything, but my family has said that they broadcast it on the news for a few days and moved on to something else, at that time my country was going through one of its worst economic crises, so I didn't know It gave a lot of importance, currently, although what happened is remembered for people, it is a common day. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my words

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It was strange. The world paused for a good minute as confusion and fear were going around. Then there was this energy of needing to do something. The need to help in someway with empathy at all time high spread through the country as everyone felt this like shared adrenaline rush. It really is a hard thing to put into words.

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i just want a story to read without interruptions


18 viendo caricaturas y la señal se corto para un reportaje de emergencia..

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Just remember being sent home and lots of kids being sent home. I dont really remember much cause I was in kindergarten.

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I want born then but I heard about it from my math teacher who there when it happened. she said that she was in elementary school or something when all of a sudden she heard a loud boom and that's all I remember from what she said.

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I was young at the time of September 11. But in my opinion September 11 is a major turning point for many countries. Because at that time the countries that thought they were untouchable on their territory understood that they were not. The attack showed a second thing, terror, a terror of people who kill out of fanaticism. War has always existed, the human race has evolved with war. But this attack and the following ones all over the world show that the war had changed, that it had become something more. It is no longer one country against another but a completely altered ideology not one is obscure fanaticism against the rest. (Google Translate)

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make him join the military whatever service you want to have a better background or backstory


friend, most people who read fanfics are not old enough to live the experience of 9/11, and it mainly affected Americans.Personally, I didn't care, there are things a thousand times worse that happen every day and I don't see people crying at home.


Hay Don't speak english traducelo en México también hubo paro de escuela y trabajo pues al ser vecinos de estados Unidos las potencias creían que también podían ser blanco de terrorismo así que los que estaban en clase o trabajo los regresaron sus hogares se transmito en noticia en todo el país de hecho mi abuela y padre vieron como se estrellaba el segundo avión según mi papá y mi abuela se sentía tensión y temor al creer que también a ellos les podrían mandar un ataque en fin eso es lo que puedo decir


Thanks for the chapter


Hey author, this isn't relevant with ur questions but why do people but the do not read chapters with loads of words?


i was 3 or 4 at the time mom was pregnant with my lil sis she watched it as it was on the news she nearly went into early labor tho my sis was born a month later me and my sis were both born early my sister was out before the doc had both gloves on she had to her lol


9/11 may have paused the crime against blacks to dissipate but discrimination against browns started and till now sikhs are looked differently because in their culture they have to wear turbans and have a beard ..... and i may not know correctly because i didn't do in depth research in it, so you can correct me and i would be happy to be corrected


I don't know... When was 9/11??? I'm Asian so the only thing I know about 9/11 is from movies/tv shows and special mentions in books and other literary writing. Condolence for those who lost their loved ones during the incident, but truthfully, aside from sympathizing with the victims, we Asians generally don't care. I mean why worry about something happening on the other side of the world when there is a real horror story happening in your region? I'm from the Philippines and we were more concerned with China's one-child policy. Do you know how hard it was to pass the Reproductive Health Law? For us, hearing that families are forced to kill their children in the womb or are prevented from having a child is a greater cause of concern.