
Comments of chapter undefined of Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game


Well it’s got to be the last one then. After that it’ a tossup between the warlord and divine


I would say the divine evolution, and the battle lord evolution should be chosen. To say that divine energy is very important would be an understatement. The battle lord will help get rid of his flaws and give him even more options in battle. While he has a lot of strength close combat is very clearly not his forte. When up against a smaller and faster vampire, his only option was to hit it with a massive attack. He failed doing this the first time, and only succeeded the second time, because the angel and the vampire were half distracted fighting each other. All that size just makes him a bigger target for spells, and makes more difficult to maneuver against smaller enemies in close combat. Lastly, the dimensional evolution is incredibly powerful. However, right now he is still having trouble stabilizing his kingdom. He doesn't need to draw unnecessary attention to himself. If he chooses the dimension evolution, who knows if a god might take it as an excuse to try and interfere with him. Or a different hostile faction.


OK so after a lot and I mean a lot of thinking. I think i've come up with the two best evolutions to pick. Now first let me explain my decisions so I can justify them to a lot of you who might disagree with me. 1st the dimensional Lord evolution is off the table now. The reason for this is simple while it is seems incredibly powerful and it most likely is. Chances. Are it's a recurring evolution so he might be able to get that evolution at a later date. As well as the aforementioned consequences which chances are involve some pretty high level stuff that he is nowhere Is near powerful enough to be involved in. Now the divine evolution is a guarante since a boosts his divine abilities and chances are the boost is multiplicative so it will grow in power with him and it just feels important since I think this evolution will play a big step in his eventual rise to godhood. As for the second option I would say the warlord option now the reason for this pick is because while battlelord may seem worthwhile Warlord provides a very powerful accumulative ability that being the ability to connect to his army of draconic species and draw from them mana and stats. And we all know his army is going to keep growing so that means more mana and more stats for him to use. Also he can exchange mana for life-force and vice-versa. Also his army would become very powerful and make it incredibly difficult for anyone to get to him and actually fight him since they would have to get through a supercharged army with possibly perfect teamwork and coordination. That is why I say divine and warlord evolution are the best way to go. P.S Pretty sure any dragon when compared to a true dragon is a lesser draconic species so that means any dragon that swears loyalty to him and doing so becomes a part of his army would only further empower him.


Alright so since it’ a double evolution, it has to be the Divine one and the Dimensional one anything else and we riot!


Well for me the best choice would be to just not evolve now. Farm 10 levels and have a triple evolution with divine, warlord and battlelord together. All of then are tô good to just pass.


Divine and Battle Lord.


Dimensional one should be available later as well so I guess he should choose the divine one and battlelord to maximize his strength gain (the warlord option sounds immensely versatile but it kinda looks like it’d fit with the dimensional one nicely. Either way, the Dimensional one sounds too OP to be choosen as I can already imagine the consequences being disastrous…) <—Anyway, those options should still be able to appear later I think?


Okay so he has to get the divine one because it looks insane then it’s a matter of preference between his personal power or his army’s power and finally that fourth option I think it’s the best choice but I have no idea what the consequences are going to be


what are the CONSEQUENCES???


the battlelord one wouldn't go well I think as it focuses on small scale combat and his build is more of a large tank.


Thx for the chap. --- The first evo and the one helping with divine energy are Gold


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Thanks for the chapter.


dimensional lord sounds like a finral and langris fusion lol. and since when does the system say consequences without saying what they are? but still, dimension and divine


dragon dimensional + battle lord = cheat in cheat


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola



is the system trying to make Vesuvius a final end boss