
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound Heart


There is Skyler, Elijah, and Kyle. They were born well after Zeke and Sebastian. Exactly how does Elijah feel about Zeke? Did he respect him? Is he angry that Zeke left to save Sebastian? Does he hate and blame Sebastian for Zeke’s leaving? What kinds of power does Elijah have? Is it possible he is born from the witch? There is so much we have yet to learn. Too many things we don’t know to be able to make sense of Elijah and his hatred. It often begs the question…is Elijah the one who is insane? Why does his whole family steer clear of him and so much as to warn Elle to stay away from him? Why has this family allowed him to continue in his evil destructive ways? Surely, Alex and Sebastian could get him under control. Why did he have no prominence in HWY? Where was he all of the times we were in Viscarria? There are so many questions!!! 🤔🤔🤔


I think I read Elijah in HWY. If he is the same Eli mentioned there. That's when the time Alex killed everyone who are against Abi to live. That's before he showed up in Abby's room. Well I don't know if I remembered it right.


Is Elijah planning on taking Izabelle? His way of making Sebastian pay for everything (as what he claims)? But what did Sebastian ever do to Elijah to have him prepare this vengeance for a long time? is this the revenge to the original Reign brothers? And he's taking the blame now on Sebby because there's no Zeke to fight for him?(although we know Sebby can take care of himself when it comes to fighting) what if Elijah is not the son of the King's wife? could he be the witches' son? Or is this how Sebby's dem onic powers resurface in addition to his vampiric powers? I hope Elijah doesn't succeed on whatever he's planning!


Kazzen you got all of your readers trying to figure out what did Seb do to have Elijah hate him so much. Please don’t have us waiting for to long.


What did Sebby do in order to pay for everything 🤔


I wonder, what did Sebby do to Elijah, that Elijah want to destroy him so badly..hurmm..🤔


Elijah you gonna have to break it down for us


I also have many questions and thoughts about this. Some questions that others have raised Is Elijah son of the witch? No. On the family tree he was born after Kai (Skylar). How was his relationship with Zeke and where was he during HWY? I think he may have made one unidentified appearance in HWY as a prince observing humanity from afar. It was such a brief mention that I'd have to reread the whole book to find the reference. The only reason I remember it was because I was trying to identify which prince it was myself, at the time and never had a name for him. As far as his relationship with Zeke, I think Zeke kept his younger brothers on a leash. Kai was out in the world with Alex, so Zeke didn't worry about him too much, but Kyle was definitely sheltered in the beginning, so maybe Elijah was, too. As for my own conjectures I think the payback is related to a woman, Alisa to be specific. Here's my guess... Elijah was in love with Alisa (who was a fellow vampire), but Alisa was lukewarm to him. Sebastian was brought out of the dungeon and basically just appeared. A Reign brother who was next in line for the throne and as much of a looker as Zeke. But he was emotionally damaged after being in the dark for so long. Alisa was attracted to Seb and helped him with his basic emotional recovery and bringing him into the modern world. But her closeness with Seb brought her to disaster somehow. I think it may be related to the incident of Azi's that sent him and Alicia out of the castle. I think she died a horrible bloody death during that incident and Elijah blames Sebastian for her death because if she wasn't helping Seb, she wouldn't have been in the castle to become a victim of that nightmare. I also wonder if that was also when Seb lost his "other powers", which I assume are his demonic powers. If that's the case, they may not be gone, but only suppressed by Seb's subconscious mind. They may return in full force when he truly needs them to protect his love. In the end Elijah is wrong to blame Seb for his own inability to win Alisa's heart and her death would be a tragedy, but also accidental. I think Seb is torn up by it as well, which is why he dreams of her and calls her name in his sleep. Ok, so there's my version of the story. 😜 I can't wait to find out what Kazzen's version is. 😉


Poor Sebby. When can they have their peace even just for a week? Aww, my heart is breaking for them. 😢

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I’m glad it’s time. I’m ready for Elijah to get his but beat like the little brat he is.


Why does Elijah blame Sebastian for? What is his next move? What a cliffhanger.


You know a good movie when the villain character is twisted and wicked good! Kazzenlx is so good at bringing out the hateful feeling for Elijah... It's so good that it's torture!!! But it's sad that brothers don't get along somehow even after all this. So Sebby, you must stay strong with Elle!


I have to read a few chapters back before reading this latest update because 1 chapter is really not enough..savoring each one, hoping it could quench my curiosity but more questions just popped. Why is Elijah behaving like that? Enlighten us more dear Kazzen. You really know how to keep us open-mouthed.. chapter by chapter. Great job, Kazzen! 👏👏👏


Could Elijah be upset that Zeke left to free Seb?


I really wish I could get to read this novel as I was really excited looking forward to it when I finished reading HWY. Now I am very disappointed because the updates are taking too long, this is why i prefer to read completed stories. 😕 😔 I will just have to stop reading and start again whenever it is completed so sad 😞 😔

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I think this is revenge for Zeke killing his she devil 👿 of a mom he can’t get his hands on Zeke so he’s going for Seb. Hope Alex had some men watching out for Seb and they give Elijah a little surprise would be even better if Zeke or Zarius was to pop up now jyst saying.