
Comments of chapter undefined of EVOLUTION-X

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lol, has the author ever met a 4 year old? The whole dishes scene is ridiculous. Toddlers can't reach the sink. Hello, too short?? Aside from that, asking a toddler who's been through what he has, to do the dishes is just mean, ignoring the fact that as a royal prince, he has probably never even seen a kitchen sink, let alone know how to wash dishes. Kids do have to be taught these things, you know.


lol. huge plot hole. it is what it is. although he could stand on a tall chair to reach the sink

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I found his relationship with Abel very forced, a child shouldn't trust people so much after going through what he went through even if he has that mutation, shouldn't he tell all his secrets just because someone asked, since he was royalty shouldn't he know that??


Maybe the mutation accelerated the growth of child because Kane look like he is at least 10 years old