
Comments of chapter undefined of The Witch Hunter System


It seems some readers have a difficult time accepting or comprehending what happened in this chapter, so I will take time (out of my writing time) to explain what is going on in City Lord Istana’s head and the details you may have missed or overlooked because they seemed insignificant. That means there is some spoilers ahead, so go on and skip this comment if you don’t want/need it. I’ll list in dot points and try to be concise as possible. But first, you need to understand that everyone has their own thoughts and opinion. What might seems forced and illogical to you might be very normal and reasonable to others. So don’t just judge a character from your perspective. Try to think from their perspective. Anyway, let’s begin. 1: It’s established that City Lord Istana loves her daughter dearly. She is over 300yo, yet only has one daughter. Clearly Isabelle is special to her, or she has dificulties producing more children. As such, she puts all her love in one. 2: It was previously shown how unruly Isabelle was, not even putting Senior Witches in her eyes. Clearly, she has been spoiled rotten, or it’s a trait she got from her mother as the ruler of the city and being in an authoritative position for many years. 3: It was also established that it was unlikely to be demon work (you’ll find out later in the story as to why). 4: It was also established that dark organizations exist (groups with people specific skillsets for espionage, sabotage, and assassinsation. But what wasn’t specifically mentioned was how they operate, and who they work for. They can take jobs from witches, and exist in witch kingdoms. But that doesn’t mean they serve under a witch leader, or they can’t exist outside of the witch kingdoms. 5: Now with all these points mentioned, how is City Lord Istana expected to react? Who would be the most likely suspect? Of course, she’ll furious, even insane, and suspect everyone that has a grudge with her daughter. 6: Given the investigation’s result, Eniwse and Vaan are the only ones with a recent conflict with Isabelle. However, Eniwse became an abomination and flew away and Vaan is pronounced dead. Generally, the suspicions on Vaan should have ended there. But. 7: Isabelle was murdered the same night, and Vaan’s tracks and body was wiped clean. The body of someone who was considered weak and unable to train aura. There was no reason to suspect it was Vaan’s doing. But when his records are too clean, coupled with the fact all traces of him disappeared the same night Isabelle was killed, it becomes something suspicious. The suspicion is all City Lord Istana needed to act. Because. 8: City Lord Istana is domineering and ruthless, but also a mother that loved her daughter dearly. She needed someone to blame. Vaan became that someone, even with just a little suspicion. And as shown, she is someone who would rather kill 1000 innocent than let 1 guilty run free. Inciting the dark hellhounds lowers the chance of people outside the city surviving, but also keeps the city people inside, giving City Lord Istana time to further her investigation. After all, Vaan could be the killer, but not the master mind. Hence why City Lord Istana suspects her neighboring lords (the reason why lords would suspect each other is something shown later in the story). 9: It was also established that Vaan expected that there was a chance he would still be a suspect despite his preparations. As someone who is suppose to be super smart, Vaan would naturally make preparations for that. (Spoiler) leaving behind his notes and gun, even using his real name are all part of his plan. If you are interested in seeing how that unfold, you can keep reading to find out. If you don’t like what’s happening despite everything I said, you can just drop and find something else to read. Simple as that. However, you need to understand that I am trying write a story with substance, depth, and life. I want to write a stor


Tell me you stupid and delusional without telling me you are stupid and delusional🤣 Also, go and try search up the writer you just commented below(the one this book's author screenshot and sent here.) It is way too obvious u a newbie troll on WN.🤣💀

CokeWhale:Again, you're focusing on the fact that someone is saying something negative and learning nothing. Characters making huge leaps in logic to follow an unnatural narrative is not clever writing, no matter how you try to phrase it. Very confused on the quote you dug around in my history to screenshot and use as some kind of evidence of something. You think that guy is a fantastic writer too?

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hmmm... thats some leap in logic, not extreme but a big leap. Also her going crazy but not losing it..... it was made to see that going crazy is much easier or what that just that witch close to Vaan? make that two witches close to Vaan or just plot?

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Gotta be honest that I didn't like this chapter as while I appreciate smart antagonists this was a bit too much of a leap in logic to feel real unless the Battle Witch is Sherlock Holmes or if there was a magic to recreate past events to view what happened...😅


author come on, you were doing so good, what was this chapter? you threw all logic behind, all this mental reach those witches did is to much, the novel was doing so good, now the dead Vaan to all the people in the academy is alive in the views of a crazy powerful city lord, just because of assumptions and reaching the heavens with their logic.


Yeah… that was absolute nonsense.

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those are some leaps of logic. but it's all on the assumption that the murder of her daughter is like important. And not revenge of the nearly dead for her cruelty.


This was an upset to me. The novel has been top tier so far, and with this forced and insane leap in logic, it just comes to above average. Never try to force plot events because you want them to happen. If he had left evidence somehow, then it wouldnt be forced at all. Yet, there is literally no evidence of him killing Isabella, yet they do backflips over logic to cpme to the idea that hes an assassin who faked his death (which they had already confirmed with the massive hole in his chest).

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So it's safe to say Vaan is a suspect. It would be harder to find him if he had an alias

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Author liked the comment.


Thanks for the chapter


this is nonsense logic complete nonsense it just made me drop my good expectation of this novel, how can this be linked to him there's no way


La logica es: el autor quiere que pase xd Despues de todo desde el comienzo es asi, pasa un wyvern gigante, lo ve el dueño de un burdel, pero no la dueña de la ciudad? Si lo vio no hizo nada, pero cuando llega donde esta su hija dijo que no dejaria entrar demonios y bueno xDD. Meh, tal vez unos capitulos más a ver.


Why did Vaan leave the decapitated body at the scene exactly? why give him an OP subspace if he doesn't hide a body? and these leaps in logic are incredibly forced.




now show your teeth my boy


Thank you for the chapter ☺️