
perception of life

There is one simple detail i forgot to talk about is my addiction. So that's what makes my success great, a lot of friends were with me on that period and most of them if i don't say all of them failed but me, i was always the last survivor, the only one who didn't fail. you think now that i stopped my addiction because of that and you, my friend, are totally wrong. that failure made me think more about my addiction and i started to use it in my benefit, yeah that's wrong, but just imagine you smoke, drink you do anything you want and in the same time you're studying. Trust me that's a great feeling, when everyone but your closest friends believe that you're failing no way and you choc them. Now that i'm mature enough, i start to make my own decisions, i became more expert in friendship and love, i know now how to pick my friends, who to trust and who is just for a while and will go, i know that before they go so i'm ready for whatever happens, i may seem like i don't care but in the contrary i care more than anyone does, i care about my friends and my family more than i care for myself, actually i even hate to call them friends because in my beliefs i don't have something called friends, i only have family. It means that even those who think i'm their friend actually i consider them brothers and sisters, it make more sense than just friends, because friendship is a bonde that may be broken but a blood bonde is hard to be broken and once you start considering ur friends as ur family , you start love them the same way you do with your real familly.