
Comments of chapter undefined of Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel


Hello, author. I would like to ask your permission to translate your work. Could you give me a link to your discord server or pat.reon ? Or any other resource where we could discuss it.


Can we discuss this in private sometime, where I can answer all your questions and tell you about myself?

EvansKannon:Where are you gonna post it?

You guys must have noticed that the username of the people is a little familiar.

I'm waiting for you on the app's discussion channel!

Download the app to discuss your favorite works, TV shows, and even the weather with me!



Man, that 'Asura_Vajra' guy was really running his mouth.

Author liked the comment.


I reupload the chapter because for some reason I put the un-revised version.


I don't know how to speak English, let alone write so I'm using the father of donkeys, google translator. But if you are Brazilian or know Portuguese, skip to the end, there is the original text. ((Não sei falar inglês, muito menos escrever então estou usando o pai dos burros, google tradutor. Mas se você for brasileiro ou souber português pule pro final, la tem o texto original.)) Hello author man I really like your work I started reading this week and I already read what was posted, and man, I update my library all the time, to see if there's a new chapter. Your writing style holds me to the story and I am tied to the comments you make before, during or at the end of the chapter, this interaction with the audience. (It annoys me a little people questioning things like the morals of the MC and etc.. but we ignore kkkkk) Congratulations bro, your story is amazing and I see potential to be the best. Man, I'm Brazilian and I have a slight impression that you are too. Which I think is really cool and makes me want to read even more. But if you're not the story is still very good lol suggestions: 1) Create a discord server for us to exchange ideas, give suggestions and all the things we already do in the comments. 2) (The second suggestion is if you follow the 1st one but it can be adapted)----- Ask some readers or a friend for help in the research part, so it doesn't get so heavy for you. My suggestion is: Choose the character/movie/anime/universe you want to add, and pass it on to the "helper" to do a search and send you a summary. I'm sure there will be people willing to help and you'll be much less overwhelmed. ((Olá, autor cara gosto muito do seu trabalho comecei a ler essa semana e ja li oque foi postado, e cara, toda hora eu atualizo minha biblioteca, pra ver se tem capítulo novo. Teu estilo de escrita me prende a história e me amarro nos comentários que você faz antes, durante ou no final do capítulo, essa interação com o público. (Me chateia um pouco as pessoas questionando coisas como a moral do MC e etc.. mas a gente releva kkkkk) Parabéns mano, tua história esta incrível e vejo potencial de ser a melhor. Moço, sou brasileiro e tenho uma leve impressão de que você também é. O que eu acho mto legal e me faz querer ler ainda mais. Mas se você não for a história ainda é muito boa kkkkkkk sugestões: 1) Cria um servidor no discord pra gente trocar idéias, dar sugestões e todas as coisas que ja fazemos nos comentários. 2) (A segunda sugestão é caso siga a 1° mas pode ser adaptada)----- Peça ajuda de alguns leitores ou algum amigo na parte de pesquisa, para não ficar tão pesado para ti. Minha sugestão é: Escolha o personagem/filme/anime/universo que queres adicionar, e passe para o "ajudante" fazer uma pesquisa e te mandar um resumo. Tenho certeza que haverá pessoas dispostas a ajudar e que você ficara muito menos sobrecarregado.)


next call puri-puri prisoner


i have to ask wil you do the next chapter next sunday


Prejudice is a crime and crime is a carioca thing


Can’t wait for the next chapter 👍👍 I have a question ..why are most marvel fanfic are obsessed with jean?


Thanks for the chapter . The harem thing is good to give the unfortunate female characters a happy life . BTW support for Felishia Hardy (Black Cat) in the harem .


THREE QUESTION - What is going to be the next world and when? NEXT GACHA ????


You dude dude MASSIVE brain moment: Starscourge RADAHN template


Is there going to be a chapter next Sunday?


Dang I didn't know Vicky existed in Marvel WOHOOOOO Vicky FTW let's throw some dumpsters at people


Good chapter. Eidolon is a good character. It's no problem being a little selfish and wanting things for yourself if you are risking your life for others. I dislike both purely good and purely evil characters. Also thanks for using my username. It was good to see the reactions of the people.


Thx for the chapter


ok, this is the best chapter you ever made, can you please make another extra but with the reaction of the media and the world governement but mostly the other powerhouse of the world who is awake during the invasion.


Loved this chapter feel honored Also continue the way you're writing really Enjoying it As for harem I won't mind either way but harem done well is great cause we don't see the sad waifus


black cat must be in the harem



Thanks for the chapter. I am disappointed in my lack of involvement in this online forum