
Comments of chapter undefined of Shadow Slave


Other thing, let’s see how much time has gone by now that he’s out of the nightmare


listen g3, look at me in the eyes. im not going to accept 1 chapter tomorrow. i will rebel. i need 2 to keep my sanity intact 😾


I’m waiting to see if his Saint Transformation will allow his shadows and himself to “wear” the shadows within his soul sea the way the Serpent can, vastly upgrading his previous pseudo-transformation and allowing him to basically have up to 8 selves (7 shadows + original) all at the Saint level and all using shadow dance to become monsters that can be entirely different from one another to create perfect cooperation and teamwork between what are basically 7-8 separate Saints.




I am good with this development. He will now be forced to learn more about how to use his abilities than others are, so he will be better at it. His transformation ability also seems like it will greatly help him in learning anything he wants to learn. For example, assigning each of them a task, like learning more about weaving memories. Another one can learn more about runes. Another one can be continuously practicing and learning more about how to use his abilities and everything without the help from the spell. Things like that🤷. Oh! and have another to write more research papers to get paid 😂🤣 that is a long gruelling job that I bet he wants to dump on gloomy 😂🤣


Oh wow His Transformation Ability is actual terrifying if it not only makes him the center of a hive mind (because each shadow has its own personality and is capable of self-autonomy) but also copies over any memories his main self is wielding. Unless the reason they all have the onyx shell is because it’s soulbound, in which case they can copy soulbound items (which I’m hoping he makes a weapon or charm form of, a soulbound essence replenishment charm would be AWESOME), but likely can also equip memories themselves as they will, which is again… terrifying. Other saints gain maybe a x2 or x1.5 boost in power by taking an unfamiliar form requiring whole new battle methods… Sunny directly gets the power of multiple saints with perfect teamwork as a force multiplier on top of it.


Remember when the spell said there was like 13 million challengers at the start of the nightmare, wonder what’s come of that 👀


I’m just happy the extraordinary rock survived


i... don't know how I feel about all this


Ok that is busted , what if the shadow can also shapeshift. So you will have to fight a sea serpent ,a giant butterfly, a demon with four arm , and 4 other saints? But the downside would be that sunny can not angment itself but stil. Can the shadow talk ? Can they lie? Or maybe they can take a female or male body shape ? What about weaver mask ? Bro is gonna be the most confusing saint in the world if not the strongest


nice one Guilty. i did not see that coming. now lost from fate/spell/light, what will you do? and how will you find your m8s?


But the question still is, is Sunless still Shadow Bonded? Considering the bond was part of his aspect, I don't have high hopes. Frankly to me, it never smeamed being connected to the spell was the problem. It was the Shadow Bond that was the problem. So Sunless had very well got the wrong separation he wanted.


He can make of a flock of crow crow now


alright welp since that arc is done now i think im going to start stacking chapters


ok now Sos is gone but now we have six sunny fair trade


The combat potential here is crazy and I'm sure we all agree as long as they get the same memories and access to abilities sunny has. Not only that! The story potential is amazing too. Imagine a clone of sunny but with the shadow's personality. Happy sunny, arrogant? even creepy(ier?) sunny! man this is gonna be so great. Author only knows how to cook 🔥


despite being disconnected from the spell, nothing is really lost. he can still create memories with soul weave who knows what he can achieve


What do Neph's runes say now? Does it look like Sunny's dead? I think it's more likely that the spell whispered, "your Shadow Bond has been destroyed", then his runes disappeared from her list.


even if he's not able to go to the Dreamworld for now, there are tons of nightmare creatures in the real world for him to demolish. he could also have another saint bring him back and forth so he can get the feeling and maybe figure out how to do it himself... I'm more interested in seeing how things turn out with Neph right now compared to abilities. it would suck a little if he went back to being lonely and solo.


I wonder if the cursed terror that separated his soul from the spell was one of Sunny's future shadows or better said the same shadow that had talked to him in the nightmare but transformed later on.