
Comments of chapter undefined of Shadow Slave


This flaw... Is sadly going to probably kill his cool schememing devilish character.. I was looking forward to another Fang Yuan.. .. It would be OK.. For me.. If the flaw only applies to real life and he can lie and scheme in the virtual reality realm.

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bruh why can't he shut up? His flaw is to never lie, not to always answer with words.

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The flaw is neat, but his sudden childish inability to just keep his mouth shut is out of character and annoying. I hope that’s not part of the flaw.

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Man his flaw is really forceful


Flaw is boring. I can already see stupid problems because of it and the entire flow on the novel is going to be around it. Meh, i'll read a bit more and see if its as predictable as it seems.

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His mind is too cluttered. When he calms down he should realize he never has to talk. Then experiment if his flaw forces him to not lie regarding writing or typing or if it is only relegated to talking.

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I can't believe that the people reading this are such babies. Sorry that this isn't the same as all the generic novels with a super genius MC who has no flaws or hardships. This development is very interesting, it should intrigue people, not make them comment that they're going to drop this novel like them not reading free chapters means anything lol


Jesus christ. If it wasn't for the high reviews I would've stopped reading at this chapter. There's no way his flaw is being changed to "must answer all questions with the truth" instead of "can not lie" because one is bearable to read and the other would make this story into complete garbage. Please buddah, have the MC just keep his mouth shut.

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I can't read on because of this Flaw, because sooner or later he will reveal his true name and become a slave


this is the dumbest flaw I thought he be like Loki and be able to lie by telling the truth just wording it differently but the only way I see him beating this flaw is by be mute and straight sign language


I really didn't want to hate in this, because I've been liking the story a lot BUT not being able lie, AND BEING FORCED TO TELL THE TRUTH AT EVERY QUESTION, are DIFFERENT THINGS if he just wants able to lie, he could just not talk at all, he isn't lying,, BUT WHATS HAPPENINGS IS HE IS BEING FORCED TO TELL THE TRUTH, which is different

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If you read the notes the author wrote before we found out what his flaw was, I believe that it’ll be a little while until he learns how to control his flaw better. Right now it’s just a reflex that is happening to him


Flaw makes no sense. His flaw is being unable to LIE, not being forced to answer a question with the truth even if you weren't going to speak.


Yeah I think this is were I give up. Dropped.


Give the guy something to cover his mouth......Make it pitch black,and I hope he can actually choose to not say anything.


Can not lie does not mean must tell the truth, there is a wide schasm of inbetween

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it's a bad and annoying flaw, but you can circumvent the mc, you just need to know how to play word games, after all it's still true if you speak a truth just hiding small details, you won't be lying

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I loved this chapter regardless of others comments and criticism, let the story unfolds slowly,I honestly don't like the MC to be very quick witted ,he must suffer and learn from mistakes ,that way we get a beautifully made plot and character development .[img=Feeling it]

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It would have been good if he used his cunning to work around the flaw speaking in half truths.

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coming back and reading all the people complaining about Sunny's flaw is hilarious like honestly if he could lie I don't think I would love this novel as much also for anyone reading for the first time who happen upon this and are thinking as them lying by omission is still lying so he has to tell the truth or at least a version of it


I actually like the way the flaw is being handled, its easy to think about ways to work around it yes, but actually adjusting to it must be pretty difficult at first. I can’t count how many things I unconciously respond to without thinking it through beforehand. Its like when you’re asked “what are you thinking about” and your immediate response is ”nothing”. Looking forward to see how quickly he adjusts to it