
Comments of chapter undefined of Alexander Creed: Re-Life

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Thought this novel was done for tbh

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So, Simpsonses. Not that that's proper pluralization. And hisashiburi... probably...

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Eh, Matt Groening will get over it. Maybe this will lead him to work on Futurama instead. Futurama proves that Matt Groening is not a one-trick pony.

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TFTC Author-san más dont forget about the pointers about Naruto and Prince of Persia that i wrote for Alex recently. Please do a Mass release of 10 Chapters, we need it

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As for battered franchises, seeing what is happening with Embracer Group, I fear for Tomb Raider. After Eidos did a terrible job because Crystal Dynamics was working on Avengers and we already know how Avengers turned out, the franchise is hanging by a thread and the IP could be sold to Amazon. The only good thing is that Tomb Raider's fall from grace due to Angel of Darkness failured made Playstation create Uncharted to fill the void. Using my knowledge I will give Alex my help just as I did in the past so these are my contributions to Alex: *AVOID AT ALL COSTS REBOOTING the franchise: After the failure of Angel of Darkness Crystal Dynamics discarded the trilogy planned by Core Design (the sequel to Angel of Darkness was going to be called Dominion and the fight between Lara and the Cabal was going to continue) and the development wass took By Crystal who rebooted it and made 2 games: Legend and Underworld that revived the franchise and then restarted again to make the new trilogy, leaving behind those 2 games, making a disaster in terms of continuity. Please author-san stick to the classic saga. *Speaking of Angel of Darkness, it has a great story but the problem was that Universal, seeing that the first film was successful, pressured Core Design to launch the 4th game in tandem with Cradle of Life and they changed the engine at the worst possible moment and not happy with that, the Angel of Darkness team was made up of rookies because all the veteran developers went to Chronicles...the result was a good story and narrative but with gameplay bordering on unplayable because Core Design was ambitious in wanting to make a Regarding a technical and mechanical level... my suggestion is to polish the game as much as possible(Make it Benchmark for the Hardware of that time too) and include Metal Gear Solid and the Crystal trilogy mechanics, even Alex can alternate releases between Metal Gear Solid and Tomb Raider in order to give the excuse of the new mechanics because he would "use" Metal Gear Solid as a testing ground for the new mechanics of the next Tomb Raider and vice versa. *Improve Chronicles: Chronicles is not a bad game because it served as a bridge between Tomb Raider 3 and Angel of Darkness but it needs improvements in the gameplay that make it stand out among the other games in the series, such as improvements in stealth, crafting, survival in exteriors, etc. (although the problem is partly understood since it was the last game made with the original engine) *Map editor: Chronicles introduced a map engine which passed unnoticed because, as we already know, Chronicles did not sell well. The idea is to introduce this editor from the first game so that modders can create their maps for all games just like IdSoftware did with Doom and WADs. *As for the movies, the only thing Alex has to do is fix the script errors in Cradle of Life and try to get this movie released in a year other than 2003 because LOTR3: Return of the King came out that year (although it came out in December this was the movie with the greatest expectation built and it didn't help that Matrix Reloaded came out a month before)...conclude the trilogy and perhaps create a cinematic universe using other video game adaptations. Also if Alex launchs Shadow of The Tomb Raider he needs to improve it since Eidos did a Poor Job with that game.

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Sorry author-san. My grammar corrector is trolling me. Here is the intended pointers for Prince of Persia since we are 2 years close to the debut of Prince of Persia franchise so i will give some pointers to Alex: Ubisoft(Broderburg at that time) cancelled the 3rd game and tried to reboot the franchise with PoP 3D ¿Why?Shadow and the flame wasn't a massive sucess and only sold the necessary copies for the sequel because Broderburg didn't marketed well the game and discarded crucial ports. The main plot of PoP3 (Cancelled in 1993) followed the ending of the shadow and the flame. The witch that appears at the ending is the main villain of the franchise. She was serving an eldritch snake god and due to the demands of this god she sacrificed a kingdom killing a ton of people included the parents of the prince that were the royal family of said kingdom. She trained jaffar and even gave a fragment of her powers obtained from the eldritch god. All the ideas and content were scrapped for Prince of Persia the lost crown. Prince of persia 1 must use the 1993 SNES remake as a base(20 levels,enhanced graphics,new and enhanced bosses,intro cutscene with the guards torturing the prince) Prince of persia 3 only needs to do a 2D version of lost crown but following the plot of the eldritch snake god and closing the trilogy Shadow and the Flame needs a good marketing to avoid the poor sales Prince of Persia 3D jump game must be sands of the time. Expand the dark essence of Warrior Within to all the trilogy since Warrior Within thanks to its dark setting and plot is acclaimed as the best game of the Prince of Persia franchise. Regarding the ending you can keep it the same or alter it since most of the people prefered Kaileena over Farah as the main lead/couple for prince. Fix the movie. Alex only needs to make a Faithful adaptation of Sands of the Time.

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I thought you are having a break man. Thanks for the Update.

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thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chap.

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Author-san I hope you have read all my contributions to Alex regarding Power Rangers (please confirm with a like in all the comments) After watching the Quiet on Set documentary, it broke my heart to know (it was an open secret because Schneider is on the Eppstein list) the abuse suffered not only by actors like Drake Bell, Jenette McCurdy, Alexa Nicholas, Jamie Lynn and Amanda Bynes but also heroes like Jerry Trainor who tried to protect their costars from Schneider saw their careers cut short. What is most notable is that Britney was blackmailed to keep quiet about Schneider's abuse in exchange for not damaging Jamie's career and when Britney collapsed Jamie did not reach out to her despite the sacrifice (The cause of Britney's collapse is a combination of the emotional abuse that Kevin Federline subjected her to over the custody of her children, the harassment she was a victim of over emails from Lou Taylor (her manager at that time and during the guardianship who also stole 600 million dollars from her) , The overexploitation by her father, the death of her aunt (who was her best friend and confidant) and Justin Timberlake (who not only took her virginity but abandoned her and humiliated her by making songs like Cry me a River and making fun of her of her in the media) It is almost certain that Dan also cut short Victoria Justice's career with the help of her manager to avoid leaks about the Victorious scandals. Only Ariana Grande came out "unscathed" (she was forced to do double meaning scenes with a potato and with her feet). On my part and my family's part, I will not invest another penny in any Nickelodeon product because they allowed Schneider to have impunity apart from the fact that the cases of abuse that did reach the courts were swept under the rug. Please have Alex intervene in Britney's life and protect her (I wouldn't mind if she were the 4th in Alex's Harem, whatever it takes to not see her suffer) and at the same time destroy Schneider's career (I know Alex has Eppstein and Weinstein on his "deathlist" but adding Schneider to the list of unpleasant people to take down from Hollywood would not be difficult)

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Author-san did you read all my comments? Due to webnovel character limit i had to post 3 instead of 2 about power rangers fixes. Continuing with Power Rangers Alex has to rewrite all the seasons from Ninja Storm(Adapting Hexagon of course)onwards. Megaforce and Supermegaforce are the worst seasons ever. As a 20 anniversary they promised us the biggest season with the biggest menace and the biggest battle in power rangers history but they dropped the ball and gave us a Carbon Copy of mighty morphin with a ton of plotholes(Gosei and the origin of the megaforce powers, the origin of the super morphers and the ranger keys), generic villains, and the most dissapointing battle ever(The original version of gokaiger had the past megazords fighting past villains resurrected by the main antagonist of gokaiger that was the physical embodyment of evil in the universe). Alex has to rework that. They are many concept ideas for Alternative versions of supermegaforce that are better and can be used by Alex so keep that in mind.

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Plot and tone: The series followed a weekly episodic format of the villain of the week and they left few episodes for the plot, artificially lengthening it. The ideal is that EVERY episode contributes to the plot and that there are consequences. We have never seen a ranger bleed, lose a limb or a sense (sight, speech and/or hearing) as a result of combat, only 2 rangers have died in combat in the history of the franchise (Trini (Thuy trang died in a car accident in 2001 something Alex must avoid) and Kendrix because the actress that portrayed her got Leukemia(She recovered but that left her out of the second half of the season)), we never saw the consequences/collateral damage of the megazord combats, and where were the government agencies like CIA/FBI/NSA when the Rangers showed up? Because it is impossible that 6 teenagers in the 90s could have successfully avoided them for YEARS. Alex must fill in the plot gaps and give the series a serious tone just like Time Force. Toys and video games: Alex already has a dream toy division, the only thing he has to do is launch the lighting collection. As for video games, except for mobile ones, the only good ones of the 2D era were the promotional Beat em up developed by SEGA for the movie and the SNES one that adapts the first episodes before the green ranger arc, and in the 3D era was Super Legends (The idea here is to make an Arkham-type hack and slash with all ranger teams adapting Hexagon or Shattered Grid basically evolving the Super Legends concept to a full 3D open world Hack and Slash). Music: One of the elements that made Mighty Morphin Power Rangers sucessful was the soundtrack. All the songs were composed by Ron Wasserman(the genius behind Xmen TAS soundtrack including the iconic intro secuence) Please author san dont let Alex make the same mistake of letting go Wasserman like saban did after Mighty Morphin season 2 and use him to make iconic songs for every season.

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The plot of Hexagon was that after the events of In Space, an organization was created to coordinate the planet's Rangers led by Tommy Oliver (In this season he would be the equivalent of Nick Fury)The names comes from the building that is shaped like an Hexagon(Pentagon easter egg)This organization would be facing Scorpina, Gasket and Lokar who are leading the remnant of Dark Spectre's forces. Gasket had under his command what was left of the machine empire, Scorpina would have the colony under her command, which was a group of insectoid warmonger races, and Lokar would have his sect of religious fanatics and the other villains who survived the sacrifice of zordon formed their own factions. The Hexagon team would be a joint project to create the definitive team of Rangers and 7 morphers were created (a female yellow ranger was going to be created for the series to complete the beetle ranger team(rebel faction), adding 7 rangers in total) of which 4 would be stolen by Kimberly (Kim and Jason suspected that the government was abusing Hexagon and manipulating Tommy for their purposes (creation of super soldiers using Ranger technology) so they created a rebel faction) the Ranger teams took their sides and although there were truces to confront to the dark trinity conformed by Lokar,Scorpina and Gasket the rebel rangers and the Hexagon rangers were enemies in the end. The samurai green ranger was going to be an undercover double agent named Derek(Brother of Jason). In the end it was revealed that Jason and Kimberly were right and all the Hexagon rangers joined the rebels. After the final fight and realizing his mistakes, Tommy dissolved Hexagon (the ending left the door open for a soft reboot). After Wild Force and once the purchase was completed, Disney fired Amit along with a large part of Saban's workers and discarded this script. They did a Hard Reboot with Ninja Storm (an error that they had to correct in Dino Thunder) and they killed the franchise because they continued with the law of minimum effort while they were cooking the MCU. In the end Saban bought back the franchise but the damage was already done and not to mention Hasbro who bought the corpse of Power Rangers Power Rangers. Alex must adapt Hexagon as well as adapt events and arcs from the comics in the style of Marvel and DC with his macro events. It should also improve the designs of the suits and not depend on a third party (Toei) as Saban and Disney did when making the Power Rangers seasons but rather take "original" concepts, designs and ideas (Alex surely already registered even Beast Morphers/Gobusters) for new seasons. Please zero I repeat zero dinosaur seasons post Mighty Morphi already dino thunder, dino charge and dino fury burned the concept. Saving Jason David Frank from his depression and Thuy Trang from his accident are priorities for Alex. And if Austin St. John, Thuy Trang and Walter Jones want better payroll grant their wish since they were fired by Saban after they asked for better payrolls Budget and Format: Power Rangers can no longer apply the law of least effort so Alex must invest in Hollywood-level special effects(CGI instead of fireworks, practic effects and cardboars). This will make the episodes more expensive, so the format will have to be changed to seasons of 12 episodes plus movies. The idea is to create a cinematographic universe and that the movies are the macro events/introduction of teams while the series are the common thread between.

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Sorry author san i had to correct some grammar mistakes. Hello author-san, I have already recovered from the flu. I wish you happy Easter. My contribution of the day for Alex is 2 comments so it will be long. Power Rangers is going to undergo a reboot and this will end a 30-year era. Alex has a golden opportunity to take the franchise to levels never seen before. This is my help for Alex: Saban took advantage of the fact that Super Sentai was gaining popularity in Asia to adapt it in the West. The super sentai follows the same model as Mobile suit Gundam and Transformers (promotion for toys) so it is not surprising that they applied the law of minimum effort with the franchise. The first thing that Alex must keep in mind is that each season carries with it a fan base from the previous one, therefore in a matter of time that fan base will be adults and that is why the scripts must evolve. Saban and Disney made the mistake of keeping scripts for children and teenagers (Time Force was nominated for an Emmy thanks to its adult scripts and dark tone but instead of taking note Saban turned a deaf ear) leaving adult audiences behind (These mistakes detonated in Power Rangers Turbo that due to its childish plot(A 12 Years old kid as a Power Ranger?! The worst decision ever) and getting rid of the original cast including Jason David Frank almost killed the franchise even In Space was written thinking it would be the last season but thanks to the dark tone, the plot with with Dark Specter as a Universal threat I repeat, universal, neither terrestrial nor galactic, saved the franchise). Alex must ensure that the scripts have serious and complex plots that, combined with the dark tone that Time Force had, are the key to success. Comics: Boom Studios did a good job with the comics and Alex has to take advantage of it. My suggestion is that instead of being a separate universe the comics are completely canon and that they not only use the Mighty Morphin but also explore the other teams including to those from other Planets such as the Alien Rangers of Aquitar and even expand introducing original ranger teams across the galaxy. The event of Shattered Grid, The Solar Ranger, The Omega Rangers and Lord Drakkon (evil variant of Tommy and the equivalent of Thanos) are key to the franchise and all of them are from the comics. They even explained plot gaps such as the origin of the villains, the origin of Zordon (explaining that the events of Mighty Morphin are a consequence of the Eltarian civil war and that Zordon's mentor became Lord Zed), the identity of the phantom ranger ( the son of zordon), etc. Hexagon: A LOT has been said about Hexagon and to be honest it was going to be a before and after in the franchise. As the franchise was going to be sold to Disney (Saban's mistakes took their toll apart from Fox Kids closing) and Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger had 2 teams, Amit Bhaumik (Script editor of Wild Force and writer of 3 episodes of said season including Forever Red which is the best anniversary crossover of the franchise) wrote a revolutionary script: a civil war (They would have been the pioneers instead of Marvel with Mark Millar).

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Sorry for bothering you again author-san but i forgot to add some things. Continuing with Solo Leveling, there are discrepancies between the manwha and the novel (Omitted equipment and other equipment without known stats. It was even made clear in the novel that Jin Woo achieved 10 million shadows (the ones which Ashborn managed to obtain in the past plus the ones Jin Woo made even managed to turn the monarchs and Kamish into shadows)). I hope Alex sticks to the novel. The romance with Cha Hae In should be improved in that she went from being Korea's top hunter to Jinwoo's Simp, we didn't end up buying it. The different smell and that night of passion in the forest before the fight with the monarch of the beasts do not result in a solid romantic relationship. Cha Hae In's signature move is a defense ignoring sword of light that she can't maintain because she lacks the mana. Alex must have Cha Hae in train with Jin Woo to eliminate the mana problem and develop their relationship better. Mini stories of 3 to 4 chapters with the other guilds and characters showing details of the world of Solo Leveling. such as geopolitics, economics, security, technological/weapons advances, armies, education, etc. Even the history of the previous raids on Jeju Island including the death of Min Byung-Gyu's best friend, Thomas Andre's past and the era before the national hunters (from the appearance of the first portal to the fight with Kamish) gives a lot to cover. Alex can also include the story of the creation of the Korean association (including the rise of Go gun-hee and his talk with the sovereigns). In Summary Worldbuilding and a ton of character development for to make side chars better. Making Jinho not be left behind on the power scale and participate in fights is easy: Having Jinwoo give him enhancent potions and train him until he reaches class A or S even for comic gags Alex could change Jinho's class to healer (although this would be counterproductive since Beru by killing Min Byung-Gyu obtained his abilities, becoming the healer/buffer of Jinwoo's army) A fight between the national level hunters and a monarch is necessary to show the difference in levels (in addition to making it clear that Jinwoo was THE ONLY ONE who could defeat the monarchs) seeing Thomas Andre, Yoo Jinho, Cha Hae in and the others national class hunters defeating a single monarch would be a big change. Extend the arcs and make the fights after the class change mission a little more strategic (The idea is to show that what makes Jin Woo the ultimate warrior is the combination of his strength and tactics) even Alex can include the idea that his most intelligent shadows such as Tusk, Bellion, Iron, Kamish, even Greed and Igris provide him with strategic suggestions and consult them for decisions.

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As for good franchises that could be better, we have Solo leveling. It was not the first work of its kind (SAO was unfortunately the first video game as Metaverse IP in addition to its bad writing (by God I hope that Alex makes a HUGE rewriting of SAO because there are many errors and listing the most notable ones would take me 2 days write them here)) I know Alex already has plans with Rimuru but please take into account Solo leveling before SAO and adapt it in the 90s. The end of the manwha was mediocre and rushed (DUBU's health worsened at that time and he died some time after the end) the only things Alex has to do to improve Solo Leveling is: Improve the ending so that it is more congruent. It's not bad but it could have been better. Even the monarchs could have been developed better as the final bosses. Show and develop the shadows more, although Igris, Beru, Iron and Bellion have good development, the other shadows passed without pain or glory (It makes me sad that Tank was left behind on the power scale, that Kamish could not be a shadow commander and that Dong-su's conversion to Greed only served as a gesture of humiliation) we want to see more of the shadows and their different personalities and interactions. Show more of other characters (the Jeju Island arc is well written but there were more opportunities to see S-rankers and below from other nations and develop their stories to enrich the world of SL) opportunities that Alex should take advantage of. Be more detailed: Regarding the statistics and levels, the follow-up was easily lost and in the final stretch the stats and statistics MADE NO SENSE. Alex must create an algorithm/excel table with the formulas to calculate Sung Jin Woo's hp and mp per level in addition to having a millimetric follow-up of where the 3 APs that Sung Jin Woo earned for the system's daily quest went. When Alex Makes Solo Leveling anime he must keep the quality of the drawings and upgrade the animation to Madhouse standard of quality.

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Greetings author-san. I will only make 2 comments today because I have a cold. I just read Dark Crisis (the fourth or sixth crisis if we add Death Metal and Doomsday Clock to the count) and after comparing the current state of the comic with the manga, you can see from afar what the problem is: the cyclical stories. Once the arcs end, they do not bring changes and return to the status quo. Even though Batman dies he will always be resurrected even if he leaves the mantle sooner or later Bruce will return. Other examples are the constant mistreatment and abuse towards Spider-Man (It is one thing to suffer and for those negative experiences to teach you something that allows you to improve as a person and move forward and another thing is to try to compete for who makes Peter suffer in the worst way and without any sense (I'm looking at you Zeb Wells)) another case is that of the X-men (it makes me very angry that they wasted the golden opportunity with powers of X/House of X age and the mutant nation of Krakoa only for returning to the status quo of 97). The only thing I ask is that Alex with Marvel starts making PERMANENT changes to the status quo, such as: * If a character dies, he stays dead (If Tony Stark dies, for example, someone else will replace him as Iron-Man but Tony will be dead and buried forever) *If a character gets married, he stays married forever (Superman is the most obvious example of how this works since his wedding to Lois is a turning point in his story) Marvel made the mistake of separating Black Panther from Storm and let's not even talk about the Mephistazo that I send the entire marital history of MJ and Peter to the trash. We want to see married couples like Peter and MJ, Rogue and Gambit, Storm and T'Challa, etc. *If a character obtains a power up, it is permanent. For example, Immortal Hulk's powers, Peter's powers when he became the other's totem, or Venom's King in Black mantle are permanent. Enough of the nerfs without logic or sense. *If an event has consequences/changes at a general level in reality, these are permanent. The clearest example is House of X/Powers of X, which must be a PERMANENT change to the status quo. It's already boring that mutants are persecuted and discriminated against when we are in a POST-SEGREGATION society, it is time for mutants to be accepted by Marvel society and see stories about the coexistence of these 2 races using the argument (perfectly presented by Hickman) of the mutant nation of Krakoa. * If a character retires (for example, the Joker dies by his own hand and then Bruce decides to stop being Batman to live as a civilian with Selina), the retirement is permanent. This seems redundant since it would be similar to the case of Batman and/or another heroes dying but the result is the same: another character takes the mantle permanently. *The histories must end(let me explain) every character has their development and history arc but when their struggles and development arcs end that must be the endgame for them Example: Invincible after alls his battles becomes the leader of the viltrum empyre and that was the end of his story. ¿Why Batman must be eternally fighting the Joker instead of getting rid of the Gotham curse caused By Dr Gotham death body(That is true reason of the Madness,high crime rate and the surge of villains on the city) and after that marrying Selina and be happy? Batman needs to end his fight and pass the torch to the next generation of heroes. The idea of a Affroamerican Batman as Bruce sucessor is good but needs a flawless written introduction so Alex has enough room(Alex must take a note of Miles Morales for that).

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Author-san Please confirm if you did saw the video link i left about Doom Project Brutality 3.0 features.

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Author-san, don't forget that for the Doom movie the action scenes should not be in hallways but in open spaces with endless hordes of enemies (the idea is to show the slayer in all his glory as the ultimate warrior, one who will rip and tear until its done). If you need a choreographer I recommend Chad Stahelski (responsible for the John Wick saga and active since 1992)