
Comments of chapter undefined of Alexander Creed: Re-Life

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I don't feel too good about this, but it's it. Must be the hectic month getting to me. Just got home from island hopping to islands that are kind of at the edge of the continent. Then just when I thought that I'll be able to submit my scholarly dues in time, the weather had to mess it all up. Weird IRL dump, I know, but I think I just wana share that I got myself a girlfriend at the start of year. Hehe. Finally. For a mostly lonely Antarctican like me, I figured that even penguins will never be attacted to me. Perhaps just the carnivores, cause of my meat. So, this affection and companionship is quite drowning. Which probably explains a lot of things, like the publishing slow down, and also why I'm also a bit disenchanted of the future of this story. Fortunately, she's cool with me writing this and find it awesome. So, just imagine my Grinch-level grin at that fact. Hihi. And to your peace of mind, she's around the same age as me. Haha. After all, I may write him but I'm no Alexander Creed. So... see ya...

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show some mercy dude... you literally killed the poor guy future.

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Author-san. I have sad news to give. Akira Toriyama has passed away.

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Too bad he couldn’t invent The Simpsons sooner. It’s a billion dollar franchise. In 2011, it was reported that it had made over $4 billion in profits. Just imagine how much it’s made since. And think of the merchandise and theme park branding.

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Author san TFTC. i expected that Alex got WH40k at least since is the third time that he tries to buy an IP. I hope he gets Warhammer 40K latter...

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thanks for the chapter

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Some other points for Alex to improve golden sun. Backtraking: Returning to explore old areas was rewarded with Djinns, equipment, psynergies, and even summons and access to other dungeons. You don't have to increase backtraking, but you should reward it more. A frustrating aspect of GS The Lost Age is that although you could access the continent where GS1 takes place, you cannot visit the cities and dungeons of GS1 (due to technical limitations) this got worse in Dark Dawn since they did not let you return to past continents ON INTENDLY. So if you didn't do something on one continent and moved on to another, you had to say goodbye forever to those resources that you didn't loot. Progress and achievements: All the equipment, weapons, stats, levels and items that we obtained in the first game could be transferred to The lost age. If Alex were to make "Golden Sun 3" he should allow everything obtained to be transferred but this in turn requires raising the difficulty for the base game. I suggest enabling the "adept" mode option (The Lost Age had 2 difficulty options, normal and difficult), which would be Dark Souls type difficulty but only available for those who transfer from GS The Lost Age or NG+. Soundtrack: The soundtrack for all Golden Sun was composed by Motoi Sakuraba. He did a great job with GS1 and the lost age but for some reason he neglected his work and Dark Dawn passed without pain or glory (that speaks badly of him considering that Motoi would later be the composer of the Dark Souls trilogy). Alex avoids this oversight at all costs and that each composition, including the songs of each town, tells a story or aspect of it just as the previous games did (Lemuria, Tolbi, The Lighthouses, Vale among other notable examples) Let us play the section of the story of Isaac and his group after GS1 and what their path was like until they reached the Jupiter Lighthouse. Let there be variety and allow the players to control at least one dwarf, a werewolf (Maha de Garoh is a great option) and even a djinn as playable chars. There are other races and we cannot give prominence only to lemurians (piers) and humans and could be used to expand their lore more. If Alex insists on making Dark Dawn, the necessary and important changes in the story are: That all the protagonists return and we are told what happened to them after restoring alchemy in the world. Other plot holes are what happened to Kraden, what happened to Lemuria, what happened to Prox, what happened to Kalay, what happened to the Fiji Islands, what happened to Nyumpa after its liberation, how Izumo sank and a long etc. Almost all must be solved

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After tragedy life must go on. I hope Toriyama is running the serpent road happily. Author-san Alex did a excellent job with DB Franchise(looking foward to the pillaf,gero and Capsule Corp plot about tech and politics also for the Super/Kakumei rework from Alex). After seeing the poor state Final Fantasy is with FF7 Rebirth(Is the worst selling game from all FF History) ley me hice so me pointers for Alex: Linearity: Final Fantasy became too linear the developpers gave the illusion of open World but the games were linear and that exploded in FF13. FF needs to jump to the open World formula. Lore:One of the huge attractives of FF is the lore offscreen and characters and Even the Summons/Eikons/GF had their complex background history but instead of giving us darker and more complex villains and heroes like kefka and squall they kept giving us japanese soap opera...the Franchise needs to evolve and that evolution consist of: Absolutely god written villains and heroes,good plowtists(like Ultimecia being the Daughter/Descendant of Rinoa or the Squall Death theories),complex sub plots,NPCs with TES and Fallout level of lore(Joshua Graham from new Vegas is a good example of NPC lore),GFs/Summons/Eikons playing a HUGE part and returning to the steampunk/medieval era(I-VI,IX) Gameplay:Due to the limitations FF stuck with the Turn based formula and when the time of change came(FFX) they lost their edge. Alex must Use Dragon Age 2 combat System and interwine it with the Job System of FFV maxing the personalization details to equipped items altering the appearence of characters in and out of combat also bringing the Subquest System and crafting from TES. Also using an upgraded FF8 system for the GF/Summons/Eidolons/Eikons while boosting the lore relevance of them,their obtention difficulty and the variety of them. In the case of Golden Sun the only pointers í have are upgrades since the 2 first games are almost flawless(Dark Dawn must NEVER happen): more subquests, more crafting a la TES,more NPCs substory/quests(they also need more complexity too),more relevant decisions in-game ,more puzzles, more psinergies, Individual Djinn Designs(most of people hated the generic elemental Djinn designs), Expansion of the Djinn lore, More Classes and personalization like FF(Every job chances Chars appearance)no more Silent MC with Isaac and Felix having separate personalities and dialogues and more(also expanded) post game dungeons...

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I forgot to mention that FORZA divided the franchises in two lines:Horizon that is open World a la most wanted and Motosport that uses the basic circuits formula. Alex has the choice of dividing them or using the open World formula of Horizon and Most Wanted as the core with expansión maps/circuits from DLCs and modders

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Hello author-san í hope you and your GF are ok and healthy seeing the Grand Turismo movie failure reminded me of the mismanagement of Need for Speed franchise so i would like to help Alex with some pointers for the plundering and revamp. Lore:NFS didn't have a lore until Underground go out to the market Blackbox made an Arc that lasted until their last game: Carbon and EA derailed the story making a mess. Alex needs to take Brian(Underground 1 and 2,Most Wanted and Carbon) as the Main char of the franchise and elevate the quality standard of the lore. So instead of NFS 1 the first game must be NFS Underground The maps: EA kept using US and Canadá maps whole FORZA and Asetto Corza changed the maps using another countries around the world. Alex must Take the Forza/Asetto approach. Support and content flow: Every NFS was shortlived thanks to EA's greed. Alex must make one game per generation and make periodical updates like FORZA and Crew motorfest and dont make the Grand Turismo mistake of "selling" us 1001 variants of the same car and instead Alex must use the base models for the base game and the upgrade variants as DLC. With this strategy NFS will develop an online community as faithful as Skyrim modders. And talking about Mods dont forget about them. Details: Asetto Corza(FORZA is the most closest to Asetto in details but Asetto is still unbeatable today) is recognized and praised worldwide thanks to its details. From the dynamic weather and the dirt affecting the players visibility Up to the light and the damage affecting the car performance. NFS must take the spot of Asetto even the cop chases that are the trademark feature of NFS with lower Heath levels having many cars(Taurus,Crown Vics) with Bad to No AI/tactics and higher/max heat levels with a few exotic cars(Gallardos,Hurricans)with Good to Best AI/tactics Transmedia: If Alex wants to make the jump again with NFS to the movie market he has to Take a note from the first 3 Fast and Furious movies(before Vin Diesel and Universal destroyed the franchise jumping to unrealistic sequences and plots giving bith to the Dom Toretto Family meme)The NFS movie has some good plots points but at that time MCU was at its peak. Alex needs to rewrite some details and make the car sequences realistic and Eye catching.

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primeramente felicidades y aunque no hay muchas actualizaciones no la dejes caer, gracias por el capitulo

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Author-san are you ok? Please dont forget about us. I hope hoy have tras my comments

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Author-san i am worried about you well-being. Are you ok? did you read our recent comments? I left some pointers for some franchises including Splatterhouse.

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I finally finished this behemoth of series. 😂 And its only like 3-4 yrs in still in 1980s. I can’t wait for 2020s. By then he can finally claim the Pirate king title. Plundering and plagiarising all the knowledge. I just hope we reach there in our lifetime. Else author just pulls an Oda and we have to wait for decades to know the end. Or am I just drawing the parallels 😂

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Thx a lot Mr Author for your story and tale XD And i wish you all the best irl , whether its your relationship, your studies your carries everything i hope falls into place for you Cheers

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Author-san i hope you and your gal are doing good. Please let Alex plunder Bloody Roar. That franchise revolutioned the fighting genre(complex mechanics,the zoantropes transformations and the Complex plot) and if it wasnt mismanaged could have surpassed tekken(Bloody Roar 2 was as popular as MK at the PS1 era)

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Thanks for the chapter.