
Comments of chapter undefined of One Piece: The Elemental Swordsman


Hope you continue your story really joy to read your story

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I recommend to watch and read the parts of One Piece where the characters are seen or mentioned.

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Well, I recommend not doing that. Cause in writing or any kinds of craft you have be patient with ugly babies. Sure some of your writing may suck (according to you.) but even if you rewrite that hundredth time it may not go away. For writing you have to be throw away the perfectionists mentality. Cause I have seen many people drop fanfics this way. (I am also Guilty of that.) . But at the end of the day, it's your writing do what you please. We readers support you.


i already had some gut Feeling that was going to Happen rewrite or dropping you See somehow all one piece fics i read always stop somehow at Highlights of arcs and Cliffhangers and that always between 20 and 35 chapters

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good luck with that. I have seen some people who had similar problems In the past and had the same problems. Because of the they also wanted to rewrite either the whole story or some parts of it but in the end gave up on it and deleted the story. I do not want that to happen with this one so my request is that you hopefully will not lose interest in writing

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Hey man, hope you get well soon! You've done a great job until now, but I have to agree that the characters feel a bit soulless in the past few chapters. One Piece has an incredibly vast cast of different characters you can fit into a story, especially in the marines. Many of them haven't been fleshed out by Oda as they don't directly interact with the Strawhats; You can easily adapt them for you own convinience. What I'm trying to say is; You don't need an OC for everything. Shimotsuki VIllage, the trainig arc with Hina and the interactions with Zephyr were all great! Stick to using canon characters and give them you own spin either in personality, importance or power, and you'll be good! I'm looking forward to see more from you after the hiatus!


I feel that you made your biggest mistake the moment you introduced Garp coincidentally stumbling into mc's village. It guaranteed a smooth sailing for MC until he graduates from the training camp. This in turn eliminates or trivializes any conflict in the plot. There is a good reason why chinese novels are thriving so much with the good ol' formula of: "young master's servant > young master > young master's father > clan elder > clan patriarch > retired patriarch > superior sect young master that somehow is related to the clan > superior young master's father > repeat to infinity." This formula is trite and dumb but works to keep us entertained with constant new sources of conflict. Your story lacks any kind of conflict to motivate mc's growth. Some island training and tournament arc is not gonna cut it with how OP and talented and blessed your mc is. Something that you could have done was to instead of introducing Garp chasing those pirates it could have been some corrupt marine that forcibly recruits mc and threatens with branding the whole island rebels or something like that. MC's goal could still have been to be under Garp and eventually train in marineford but he would have to work for it instead of having it fall into his lap. Then the next arc when MC leaves the tutorial village could have been MC struggling to get away from the corrupt marine's control. From here you could go wherever you want. Maybe make it so mc is transferred along with the corrupt marine to another sea and then mc's goal is to get rid of the corrupt guy. Then he is finally free to go look for Garp and go to marineford. On the other hand, if you HAD to go straight to marineford then you could have turned the training camp into a military academy with some corrupt guys at the helm that for some reason hinder mc's progress and create conflict. Although with Garp and Zephyr in the picture I don't see how this could happen. So, if mc was going to have such smooth sailing you should have done another timeskip after a handful of chapters and make mc graduate and then throw him into the wide, wide world. Also, with the setting being a marine mc the only real source of conflict you'll have is a political one. He isn't a pirate that has to constantly fend off other pirates, good marines, and corrupt marines alike. He is a talented marine with a really powerful backer and really has nothing to impede his progress other than corrupt marines. Anyway, I'm rambling. TL;DR: your story lacks meaningful conflict and is too cliche and predictable. With this I'm not trying to say that your story is bad. On the contrary, it is probably in the top 10-5% of stories in this website. I just feel like you want to write the best story you can instead of some half baked wish fulfillment fanfic and could use some advice. Not that my advice is necessarily any good but that's the only thing I have to give. Another thing I forgot (I know, this is not a thesis but I just feel like unloading all the things that came to mind to make your fanfic better.). You already wrote 33 chapters and shouldn't be deleting or editing them too much. You're just gonna end up dropping the fanfic if you haven't already done it. Just wrap up the training camp and make mc a full fledged marine already. If you really have to give mc companions and they'll be the other elite trainees then station them all in the same area or under the same superior and explore their characters more deeply during that time. Anyway, bye. If I keep thinking I'm just gonna keep rambling and never stop.

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Take all the time you need, however personally i think for new authors to develop their skills u would be better to keep writing and get better while writing i'm afraid if every time u stop and keep fixing previous chapters u would quickly lose interest.

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well for me it was great but you do you bro and hope you get well soon!!!


I think the author is broken. Coffee should fix that 😤☕


Is this dropped I’v been waiting a few months now


I love this story, presse no drop


This is one of the best swordsman one piece fan fics I have ever read i hope the authour comes back to it eventually, right now it’s been three months so I’m not sure if he will or he might be planning and will come back soon but anyway this was a great fan fic, I encourage you to right more

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Hope you get better soon waiting for the next chapter 😃

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😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 i love you author-sama

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Get well soon bro 🙂

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Good luck, take your time

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Hope you can get the things done as you want them to

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Hope you get better soon


sengaku hates people who have king's haki because people with king's haki , never follow order and the whole marine knows this , so they will kick him out of the marines , or worse impermanent in impal down , if he unlucky , killed secretly


I will look forward to reading your new style and the adventures, you'll bring forth, in this great creation!