
Comments of chapter undefined of World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star


skip the whole old gods war please


thanks for the chap. agreed on your reasoning as well, without the betrayal I dont really think there's a way to make the plot really advance beyond the elementals alone.

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Well, actually, if the betrayal of the elementals had not happened... First, the elementals would not be corrupted, second, having defeated the ancient gods, the mc would consume them and since he did not reflect on the meaning of life by meditating and found the light the mc could have been consumed by his hunger and the whispers of the lords of the void and could have ended up trying to consume azheroth and screwed up his mission being eliminated by the "God" who brought him to that world. Then the bad thing, the Titans would never have interfered in the elimination of the ancient gods but they would continue to wait for the birth of azheroth, therefore the forged would never be created and perhaps the only dominant life forms of azheroth would be the elents in small uninterrupted disputes without being born the dragons and other races that are not the troll and perhaps the dark elves that are a branch and evolution of the same but with the blessing of elune XD. The good Sargeras would never have been corrupted and obsessed with the elimination of azheroth and therefore the burning legion would never be born or at least it would never be as strong as it would be since you would only be groups of disorganized demons and nothing else and Azheroth could be born well avoiding complications unless until the lords of the void can send another group of "old gods".



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Honestly mc could have said that he is having issues with the darkness and couldn’t absorb more then two more before arriving to the battlefield and explained that he would need to “master” his darkside for an unknown amount of time. Then he could have retreated with the elemental lords to wage a hidden war with the old gods or he could have asked them to seal themselves till the titans arrived… he had options but just didn’t take them…


Here's an interesting thought if the MC receives the blessings of the Titans when sargeras destroys them is it possible that one or more of their spirits will try to possess the MCS body like they tried with the Guardians?


No había pensado lo de los Titanes, apenas vean al Mc lo van a sellar solo por el simple hecho de tener poderes de los Dioses Malignos, y lo de los señores elementales pues, el único que me da como pena es la madre tierra ya que ella es la que más sufre con la corrupción de la tierra, el resto ni me importan.


I wonder if night elves sometimes call elune (motherMoon) I wonder what they will call the mc (the Twilightfather) ( the Twilight dragon) (the dragon of dawn/dusk) or perhaps (Shadowfather) . . . . . .


Thanks for the chapter ❤️


good job on the chapter


Gracias por el capítulo. Nuestro MC se a puesto a filosofar jejeje. Es bueno que haya desarrollo de personaje, y así podamos ver cómo piensa. sobretodo ahora que hemos pasado a un momento de la historia que tiene personajes, a diferencia de la época de los elementales que había una clara limitación. Estamos en la fase pre-vida de Azeruth (a este paso le van a cambiar el nombre, a ver cómo suena), y está claro que está influenciando a las personas que van a terraformar el planeta. Me pregunto si va a haber cambios destacables 🤣. Los 'baldíos' se seguirán llamando así? habrá más zonas como un'goro? Está claro que el MC tendrá su propia guarida. Me pregunto dónde... si elegirá tenerla en una isla o si la instalará en pleno centro de un continente. En cuanto a si el MC revelará o no su naturaleza/poder contra Y'Shaarj... no creo que lo haga. La única forma de eliminar completamente a ese... sería absorberlo, y no lo va a hacer delante de los guardianes. Así que la historia seguirá su curso sin demasiados cambios. A ver cómo va la reunión con los Titanes. El MC en algún momento de este capítulo me ha recordado a este personaje 🤣


I just watched 'The (almost) complete history of world of warcraft' by Hidden Azeroth on youtube. It's deep and intricate but i felt like my eyes glaze over. It's almost like reading Battletech Lore or Endless Space wiki but not as bad as studying the Balkans.


Thank you for the chapter :)


Obrigado pelo capitulo


Very interesting I like


Thank you for the chapter. whether to create or destroy, my answer is for something to be created another needs to be destroyed and to destroy something; something must’ve been created.


thanks for the chapter


Thank you for the Chapter




Primero yey!!!