
Comments of chapter undefined of Percy's Pokemon Adventure


hello, I like this story and I hope for an update, percy will be sponsored by the family that governs that city? have connections and monetary funds, it has already been seen that a common trainer with no one to sponsor them is a mediocre trainer who gets excited about pokemons with yellow potential..., I guess crash and growlite will have purple potential when they evolve, what do you say of pokemons like gyarados? magikar must be very common but gyarados are absolute beasts, I imagine they would reach at least red potential, how can a pokemon as common as magikar be a power when it evolves? everyone would capture magikar to have their gyarados, the only explanations that come to mind are these. 1:magikar is very hard to evolve takes time and resources that common trainers can't afford. 2: when they evolve into gyarados they become very violent and difficult to tame to the point of killing their trainers who did not earn their respect or consider them their leader, therefore it is not worth the effort and the risks. maybe a combination of both to explain the rarity of a trainer with a gyarados. If percy catches an insect I hope it's schyther it's the only one I like...


And dying miserably

Generic_guy:At some point Percy will be sponsored. Magikarp would mostly have terrible potential so the already slow leveling would be made into something like 5 years for anything below orange potential. Most trainers can't afford to have a Gyarados as they eat so much. Its also difficult for a trainer to get respect from any sort of any angry pokemon in general. Even worse that the trainers fear their own Gyarados which eventually causes the Gyarados to get dissociated with their trainer. For a trainer who is prepared to take the necessary steps and is talented in all areas it is not incredibly difficult to get a Gyarados. There is also a general stigma against Gyarados that has been pushed by the government to prevent a lot of trainer deaths. Trainers would turn 16 and immediately try to get a Gyarados only to fail in gaining any respect.