
Comments of chapter undefined of In Z Finite

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I am going to leave my thoughts here. let me know if you want me to move it to the review. Here are my points so far, keep in mind, it's mainly my own personal likes and dislikes, there's no right or wrong way to do things here, if enough people like your work it becomes good. _ *1. The world setting is a good start. I generally love when an author take a location that would appear in a middle of a classic fantasy story, such as "a city of angels", and turn it into the main story._ *2. The '3rd person all knowing' view point you chose to write this novel with, is pretty hard to write. I personally find it a annoying to read, since the point of focus keep moving around all the time. But that's just my personal taste, some people may like it. _ *3. You could improve your sentence structure, as I've mentioned above in a paragraph comment._ *4. I like the dynamic between the wingless angel and the world traveler. The misunderstandings between them are great and there conversation is likeable. (at least for me), it's fun, convincing, and made me smile more than once. You have a good chemistry and a good goofy banter going on between the two._ *Summing it up: The idea and content are enjoyable to read for me, it's still too early to tell with 4 chapters though. The execution and the style of writing is hard for me to read.