
Comments of chapter undefined of Tyranny of Steel


Nah man it the plot demand its


Way to kill half of nations productivity by making women sit at home...well that's what we expected from a modern man.


Why Malta tho that’s So small and far. Hard to provide backup unless He has all of Italy under his rule. Italy peninsula is the best spot for naval trade and strategic location.


that system had a disturbing amount of problems High cost—A 1999 report by the American Friends Service Committee found that local school districts ended up paying substantially more than the cost estimate the military provided, and that a JROTC program cost more on a per-pupil basis than academic, non-military instruction.[69] Lack of local control—The CCCO is concerned that the federal military dictates the JROTC curriculum and selects the instructors, resulting in local school districts losing control of curriculum and staff.[citation needed] Low-quality curriculum—The CCCO considers the JROTC textbooks to contain substandard learning material with factual distortions and outdated methods of teaching, basing their conclusions on a 1995 academic study of the Army JROTC curriculum commissioned by the American Friends Service Committee,[70] which argues that the curriculum narrows the viewpoint of the students, encourages blind following rather than critical thinking, and indoctrinates students in militaristic authoritarian loyalty and passivity.[71] Veterans for Peace resolved that JROTC teaching that the government gives the citizens its rights[72] "is a complete perversion of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence."[67] The Coalition For Alternatives to Militarism in Our Schools, formed by more than 50 teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District,[73] aims to "eliminate the Junior Reserves Officer Training Corps in our High Schools."[74][failed verification] Many cases of abuse by JROTC instructors, as well as credentialing issues, and of having students forced into JROTC due to lack of space in Physical Education classes have been noted in Los Angeles Public Schools.[75] The group claims 2006 showed a reduction in JROTC enrollment in Los Angeles, with a drop of one-third or approximately 1,500 students, suggesting part of the explanation is efforts to stop the involuntary enrollment of students into JROTC.[76] At Roosevelt High School in the Boyle Heights section of Los Angeles, a local campaign against JROTC cut the number of cadets 43 percent in four years, with a JROTC instructor reporting a 24 percent drop in enrollment from 2003–04 to 2006-07 for the rest of the Los Angeles unified School District.[77] In October 2005, the New York Civil Liberties Union pressured Hutchinson Central Technical High School in Buffalo, New York to release students from a mandatory JROTC program, arguing that the practice violates the State's Education Law, which provides that no child may be enrolled in JROTC without prior written parental consent.[78] In May 2008, the American Civil Liberties Union stated that JROTC violates the United Nations sponsored Convention on the Rights of the Child by targeting students as young as 14 for recruitment to the military.[79] The United States has not ratified the convention, although it has ratified an optional protocol to the Convention on "the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict."[80] However, recruiting is not an official goal of JROTC, as stated in United States Code pertaining to the program.[2] Nor is it a stated goal in each of the individual service's JROTC program mission statements.[81]


Nice work author just want to ask if the military university will have basic departments like law, medicine, geography, and the likes. And please don't use etc we have to know everything he did. I'm waiting for when the train will start it's production. Big boy and flying Scotsman. Also when he fully industrialize the steam engine can you work on electricity next.


oh and when will he invent ak47


Thanks for the chapter


Thank you for a great chapter. Berengar prays to Lord Artillery and 7.62


Thanks for the chapter