
Comments of chapter undefined of Dimensional Descent


can someone tell me the release schedule for the chapter? otherwise thanks for the chapter, it was interesting to see the point of view of Emperor Fawkes.

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I don’t think this is a matter of Leonel thinking his grandfather should have morals because we know leonel really doesn’t care much about that I think its about his grandfather being the leader of said people yet not protecting them like a leader. Leonel doesn’t care much for anything except for those close to him. He didn’t save Earth because of some morals he did it because 1 he doesn’t like to loose and 2 well I forgot the second reason so I wonder what leonel is tryna get out this convo


Got to say I'm with the empower here on this one. Leonel's dad could have killed every invalid. Leonel could have indeed given up his treasures for the greater good. He did not because it benefited him more not to. same with the emperor I guess it probably benefited earth more to weed out the weak than from earth or allow the weak to become strong by fighting. I'm not saying he's a good emperor I'm just saying he's not wrong in that leonel shouldn't judge his actions when he himself is the same weather or not he realizes it.

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The king is right and wrong in this situation. Leonel isn’t the king, nor is he strong enough to protect everyone even if he wanted to. Morally he is in the right for doing his best to only protect those he cares about. He has no moral obligation to save everyone. Leonel has every right to chastise the king due to him failing in his duty to be a king, failing to protect his citizens. The city falling I can wrap my head around cause this probably saved more people in the king run due to invalids. But when war broke out and the enemy brought out an invalid so strong that it suppressed all the men and woman battling and caused them all to be slaughtered he did nothing, nor send anyone out who is strong enough to neutralize the threat. Those deaths are on him. Though even if he claims he is staying out of it to train the youths. The only youths being trained are the royalty youths due to commoners having to fight for their life while the royalty youths “fight for their life’”s

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Hey Author... I need a mass release of about 20 chapters... Thanks.

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Very good chapter. Altough I think the emperor is a rotten apple, just a gut feeling.

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The Emperor has a very objective and apathetic view. It is wrong to ask whether his decisions are moral or immoral. it seems believes in survival of the fittest. The weak died simply because they did not have ability to do so and the strong who survived will get stronger from it. To deny the strong the opportunity the grow to protect the weak can be debated on both sides of which is better. We must consider that in our world there is no such thing as a person strong enough to be entire armies, but in this universe there individuals like the variant invalid that can cripple the populations of entire planets. so is really better to have a larger army filled with more middling talents or to sacrifice the weak in order to allow monumental talents to grow. Earth after is one step away from being the subjects and or slaves of other worlds, who is to say that another world with high potential won't invade later or when earth reaches the 5th dimension. Basically it's easy to say that he should have protected his people especially when the talents or Earth were suppressed, but times of crisis are where the ordinary are separated from the extraordinary.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


I truly hope that Leonel has some come backs for the Emperor's arguments. Most of his argument is, your dad could have done things differently but he didn't because he is strong. So why should I as the Emperor protect those weaker than me and help my own soldiers because I am strong, even though again I call myself an Emperor. Its the equivalent of being like well your dad's shown himself to be a POS sometimes so therefore I will be a POS all the time, they are not the same thing but the Emperor thinks they are.

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He never answered the first question.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule



The weak and the strong, we got it goin' on. I hope someone gets it.


The classic tu quoque fallacy


how are your fingers doing? Did the new keybord arrive allready ?