

A couple driven by the love of money agreed to sacrifice their kids. With the help of strong cabinet members, the deed is done and the parents, with the money they claimed, managed to save their business and became a pillar of the community, and grew to be filthy rich even befriending every president that take over the seat. On their 20th anniversary a group of young adults showed up at their party claiming to be the deceased kids that were murdered in the horrific fire, the parents and their strong friends bound together, put targets on each of this young adult’s back, but the kids are in no way backing down, as they are breaking down the “parents” empire one by one. Who goes down next

Hafeni_Hashili · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


SO1E02 The devil is a woman

"Ever heard of the phrase wolf in sheep clothing? Same can be said about the looks, one should really acquaint themselves with who they want to get involved and deal with, as much as its mostly not looked up in that way, the Devil in many cases can be a woman" – Hashili Hafeni

@Hashili Manor

Confusion rose amongst the people and everyone started speaking amongst themselves and some actually just looking on shocked while David stood there shocked as well and unable to process the event, he collapsed and hit the ground still holding on to the gift he went to get for his wife. Panic suddenly rose as people started screaming and his guards ran to him, Evelyn pulled the scarf she had in hand over her face to shield herself avoiding the eyes of the people and the media and walked away into the house. The guards and the butler took Mr. David away to his room and lay him to bed while his wife Evelyn is seated on the dressing table undressing herself. Daniel was worried about his father and came to see him "Dad are you okay?" asked Daniel barging into the room. " I'm fine son but I don't know if I can say the same about my reputation and ego, so do me a favor, go handle whatever your long lost siblings decided to pull tonight, make sure your siblings don't get carried away with this I really thought they have died somewhere long ago and the media shouldn't have a run with this, and tell the guests, the party is over" said David and waving his son to go away. Evelyn was feeling horrible that her party has gone to the dogs, still seated on a cushion at her dressing table, she turned and looked at David with tears in her eyes and still one earing in the ear and the other in hand. "David, what was that?" she asked removing the second earing and pearls with tears in her eyes, "That my dear, is 20 year old Karma saying hello to us, and I urge you to be strong, it looks like she is here to stay baby, so because of our mistake of 20 years ago, we are dealt with a heavy hand and we have to sort this out after all we created this monster, I need some sleep so, good night honey" said David and turned to the other side and pulled the blanket over his head.

The party finally drew to a close, with the new Hashili kids on the block feeling great about what they managed to achieve, Daniel although tried to avert the damage it seemed like the media was going to have a run with the whole saga. The night went by and in hours, the sun all gold and beautiful was over the Hashili household, yet in the manor, there was trouble in paradise.

@Hashili Manor (next morning)

The whole family sat at the table trying to eat breakfast but all that went on was just looking at each other over the eyes and no real eating took place. "I can't take this tension anymore l…" said Evelyn about to stand up but David took charge of the situation, ensuring that the family eats as one and reconnects, he really thought that this was something little and he might be able to control it before it spins out of control. "Sit down, no one is leaving this table until we all eat like one happy family" said David slamming his fist down and looking at all not happy or accommodating. Evelyn sat back down and took her kerchief and put it back over her clothes. David took his fork back up just before Stephan started clapping his hands looking at his father, everyone else turned and looked at Stephen and just sat there shocked or smiling as if the father made a joke. "Wow, same old man, nice one dad, I didn't know we where allowed to joke over breakfast" said Stephan clapping his hands and laughing "makes two of us brother," said Sunday and fist bumped his brother. "enough of this nonsense, despite what happened, I am still your…" said David before he got interrupted by Marry. "Our what? Our Daddy?" asked Marry angrily with tears in her eyes, standing up and remembering all she had to do to survive as a kid. When David was young, he married a woman, Evelyn, whom because of her, he gave his kids up for adoption and Marry, although came with the married lady, also was given up for adoption. They got kicked out of the orphanage and they were rumored to have been killed in an orphanage fire that might or might not have been caused by Evelyn, so for Marry being the oldest, this war was just beginning. "Kids just…" said Evelyn calmly with her hands placed on the table and dressed as elegant as every morning "Just shut up, mother" said Marry looking at Evelyn, "Now you listen to me old man, I brought up everyone you haven't seen here yesterday but you see them this morning, and nor you, or you have any right to claim parental rights, am I clear?" asked Marry pointing to both Evelyn and David showing her expensive pointing finger ring, Evelyn, Hope and Hussein stood up and left the table. "Okay, you guys want to do this? Follow me to the study now!" said David standing up angrily as now he can clearly see that the war really came for him, "and can someone clear this damn table I lost my appetite!!" he shouted when walking to the study with everyone else following him

@ The Hashili Manor (in the study)

Everyone got into the study and sat on the chairs and sofas facing the father who now was pissed to the core with his face boiling with anger. "Can someone explain to me what this means, you people show up at my house and you decided to cause destructions?" asked David looking at his kids right in front of him just before Daniel barges in to save his father as always, "Uhm, father you need help?" he asked peeping in as he lets his father deals with his matters, he only joins in when he is really needed. "No I got this one son, they are my own kids, how hard can they be?" asked David seated in his throne chair looking at Daniel. "Actually, we will be very hard on your old man, so I guess you maybe want to stay, you know, just for control and maybe donate him a new heart after we are done with his old merciless one?" asked Stephan pouring himself Vodka from the bottle in the father's study. "Quit noising and tell me what you guys think you're doing here, do you have any idea what you have done?, do you have any idea what this means to my business? How the media is going to stretch this?" asked David angrily looking at Stephan. "Trust us uncle, we do know very well what we did, and if it ends with you going down, we are happy to assist the stretching" answered Boni legs crossed in a suit and sitting against David "Shut up, you are not my son and you have no business here" answered David looking at Boni dead in the eyes. "Actually pops, he does have every business here, remember how you destroyed the house you took him from, making sure there was nowhere left to go? If you don't remember we can gladly remind you" said Sunday sitting next to Boni, with his hands placed on top of each other. "woah, guys hold up guys, there is no need to get hysterical and go that far, we don't need to talk about who destroyed what, we can talk about this in a civil manner and prevent stunts like the ones of last night, we can provide anything you guys want all you have to do is just mention" said Daniel looking at the siblings waving a checque book in the air standing at the door to the study, everybody looked at him in disgust and actually mad at his thinking capabilities. "You don't follow do you Daniel?, this isn't about money, See Daniel, one thing that never ceased to amaze me is how you can choose money over your very own siblings, you sat well seeing how dad throw us out of the house at the age of what? 5? And that didn't even bother you" said Stephan with his glass and one hand in pocket. "Look here young man, I didn't kick you guys out of this house but if you know very well that you were kicked out, it should have been a clear indication that you and your excuse of siblings aren't needed here, so stop provoking me or I will cut your stay here short" said Daniel hands pocketed walking to Stephan and looking Into the brothers face "Lets save you the trouble Dan, unlike you, we aren't dad's lapdogs, some of us have actual jobs to get back to, so no need to kick us out, we will be leaving" said Dorothy standing up and picking up her handbag and walking out. "Then why the hell are you all still in my damn house, you're all grown now and seems to want to cause chaos, so why the heck are you guys still here?!" shouted David standing up "I'm sorry to disappoint you dad, not all of us are actually leaving, I am not leaving town since I just bought and launched a company here and it'll be your greatest competitor, I'm coming for you so before you find yourself a breather, hold on fast old man, I think you need this glass more than I do, see you around" said Stephan placing the glass on the table and pat his fathers cheek leaving the Study looking at his brother with the, "You got nothing on me attitude".

@Hashili Manor (In the garden)

Evelyn was standing in the garden looking over the pool in a short one armed dress thinking, Hussein was standing next to her looking at the mother. "Mom, aren't you going to do something about this? They are attacking dad in there what if the kill him" said Hussein looking at the mother. "Baby, when it comes to that, it is better you stay away form such things, you have seen how vicious it can get between fathers and sons, so keep to yourself and avoid such arguments, it will work itself out I mean it always does". said Evelyn standing looking into the son's eyes "Hopefully earlier than we think this time", she added looking away in a distance not noticing that behind them, her daughter Marry was coming to her. "Hussein baby can you give us a moment with your mother?" asked Marry wearing a dress like shouldered jumpsuit and stood next to the mother staring over the pool holding her hands, Hussein looked at both of them, shook his head and walked away into the house. "You know I'm your mother too right?" asked Evelyn still looking over the pool as if not paying attention, "Come on mother, don't give me that crap, its not like you care what happens to me anyways, and why would you? You live in this mansion, drives whatever car you want and designers run to you, you didn't even bother to look for me or anything, I guess the devil is a woman and not male after all", said Marry turning and looking at the mother who still continued looking away and turned when she was called a devil. "Don't you dare disrespect me Marry, I borne you but I did what I had to do to survive, the very same thing I know you would have done if you get the same fate that I got" said Evelyn looking at the daughter fuming. "I would never chase my own daughter out of the house just because of what a man who isn't even her father have ordered, or was it because you ordered him first mother? Why aren't you answering? Hell got your tongue, so listen clearly to me Evelyn, this is your past catching up with you and trust me, its coming in hot, you and stepdad cant run away from this, karma keeps receipts honey and I am your very own well dressed karma, ill drag you Evelyn, I really will" said Marry moving closer to the mother. "You want to play with the big dogs baby? Bring it on" said Evelyn holding her daughters shoulders so hard staring her in the eyes with a soft yet scary voice "And you're right, the devil really is a woman and you just earned yourself your very own judgment to hell" said Evelyn looking at the daughter and shook her. Marry looked back at the woman wondering how this woman is her mother if she terrifies her this much, "Get your hands off me" said Marry with tears in her eyes and walked away.

@Hashili manor ( In the driveway)

Stephan was standing outside with Dorothy, Sunday, Boni and Sonja waiting for Marry before they leave the place "oh here she comes," Said Sonja looking at the sister holding Sundays hands. "well you guys should travel safe buddy" said Stephan, giving Boni a hug and patting his shoulder. The siblings were hugging each other and saying their goodbyes and Stephan shook Sundays hand. Marry finally arrived with little tears in her eyes "Ill miss you my crazy head brother please take care" said Marry hugging Stephan so tight, everyone thought she was crying because of the good byes but they didn't see that she was already crying when she came. "Ill miss you too big sis, but you're allowed to come visit okay? Matter of fact, you all should be coming to visit" said Stephan. "Just promise me you will be careful and you will protect all of my babies" said Marry holding Stephan hands and looking at everyone who in turn stares right back at her with eyes full of love. "We don't really know who these parents are anymore and I'm afraid they will hurt you" said Marry looking at the brother, "Ill be okay, I can handle them, don't forget you raised me" said Stephan and hugged his sister once more again before she got into the car and drove away after kissing everyone goodbye. All other siblings also got into their cars after heartfelt goodbyes and drove off while Stephan and Sonja looked on. "Will you be fine living here? They could kill you you know, why don't you come live with me? You know well you can come live with me" asked Stephan holding Sonja's hands and walking with her to his car. "Ill be fine, if they kill me then the police will get them, I think they are smart enough to not hurt me, it'll only be bad for them, I mean they will be number one suspects" said Sonja, standing with the brother at the car. Stephan just looked at her without responding. Sonja kissed his brother on the cheek as goodbye, walked away and Stephan got into the car and drove away. Sonja stared for a little while, waving her brother goodbye and when his car disappeared onto the road, she took a deep breath a little bit scared of the decision she took and then entered the house.

The night finally crept upon Oshakati and everyone got busy as they have to go to an oil pan auction for sale in Oshakati business hotel. Business was booming in the town and with the new competitor Stephan on the block, the night wasn't going to be a favorable one for a whole bunch of people.

@Oshakati business hotel

Daniel is looking forward sitting with his dad and Evelyn in the special reserved front seats. Outside the hotel were a couple of fancy cars parked as the auction was already halfway through so all the rich people showed up on time except Stephan. Stephan was one of the biggest dealers and due to that, just like his father, he was also expected to appear so he was waited for, although he was new, he was waited for at the Business Hotel. Stephan drove his car into the hotel yard and parked it being assisted by the security, he got out running for shelter as it was raining out side and he was late, but his fashion sense could make up for him being late since he was wearing a tuxedo looking all definitions of rich and classy. "Ladies and gentleman, we are down to the two last items on the list of tonight's items up for auction, the item for tonight on children's donation is a painting of Maria Nepembe from a Namibian painter Known to everyone as Zelda it was given to us by Optometrist Mrs. Haukongo Ester. The combo is joined by another painting by the same Artist Zelda, known as The Mona Elizabeth Donated by Dr. Elizabeth Shikongo, do I have 3 million dollars?" asked the auctioneer holding his auction hammer in the air and then Daniel put up his hand just to get the people started, "Do I have 4 million?" asked the auctioneer then another lady made a bid. people made bids until the painting came to 6 million, "Can I have 7 million?" asked the auctioneer looking at the people and no one put up their hands. "9 million" said Stephan interrupting the whole venue from behind, everyone turned and stared at him walking from behind down to the front. "I'm sorry I'm late, my seat is right in front right next to, oh hi dad" said Stephan walking to his empty seat right next to his father who got angry and raised his number "10 million" he said and looked at Stephan with anger and in his eyes feeling like he won something against Stephan just because he decided to outbid him and the painting was sold to him. "how did it feel loosing to your old man?" asked David smiling, David didn't really know how rich Stephan was and he underestimated his own son, having no clue at all that Stephan was at the auction to destroy the father he developed so much spite for. "I wasn't here for that papi, I baited you to make sure you don't win what really brought both u and I here, the Okahao oil pan, you know, even after 20 years, I still know that you can easily be lured into what people want you to do without you actually seeing the trap set for you" said Stephan wiping the smile off his dad's face. the auction was going on and they were only raising their numbers until it was down to them two, the Okahao oil pan was now the last thing being auctioned for and its just a new discovery that promises to make who ever buys it, a well off billionaire. "So do I have 990 millions?" asked the auctioneer looking at both David and Stephan, "I know banks only extend cheques to 1 billion per day and you already spent ten million from that, so now see how you will loose papi" said Stephan looking at his dad then looks at the auctioneer and raised his number "1 billion Namibian dollars" Bet Steven looking at his dad and the oil pan was sold to him.

Out of Shame, David, Daniel and Evelyn stood up to leave the venue. David stood facing Stephan who just looked back at him a little bit frightened, took his phone and made a call "it is on" he said with the phone on his ear while looking deadly into his son's face, hung up and left. Stephan started panicking and looking all worried "Here is your winnings Sir, are you okay?" asked the lady who brought him a box of papers believed to be the deeds to the oil pan "yes, can I have security to escort me out of here?, this might sound crazy but I think someone has hired a hit man somewhere out here to assassinate me" said Stephan, shaking a bit. "Uhm should I call the police sir?" asked the lady worried "No, just get me a couple of guards and I will be okay" responded Stephan. The guards came out and escorted him to his car and he got in and drove away. For a little while he got some piece of mind but since he doesn't know his father well, he still was a little terrified, he drove for 20 kilometers on the road to his house and he came at a bridge and decided to speed up his fancy car as he was scared. Due to the heavy rain, the town electricity was off and it was dark when suddenly, out of nowhere, two trucks in front of him parked on his lane and he couldn't see them because it was raining and dark as electricity was off, turned their lights on and even have them on bright mode with intentions to blind Stephan. out of shock, Stephan started shielding his face, turned his car off the road, went off the bridge and went diving straight for rocks in a dry river and landed upside down after a couple of rolls and burst into flames. "It is done" said the man in the truck and they drove away.