
Comments of chapter undefined of One Wild Night


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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Oh man, this chapter really hit home for me, and as always, Miss B delivered and then some! It’s so hard for Lucy to see how her behavior affects those around her because everyone has sort of given her a pass because they know her history and that it comes from a place of good intentions. But, much like me, Lucy was coddled in a way and sheltered herself from the outside world, so her grasp of reality is almost non-existent. Avoidance became her coping mechanism to prevent herself from experiencing further pain, and by presenting only the “perfect” side of her, she thought she could shield herself from criticism or outside intervention. So when someone’s opinion doesn’t align with her idealism, she completely implodes and immediately finds some fault with the other person’s statement so she can maintain that defense mechanism because it stirs up those bad memories that are still lurking just beneath the surface. Thank goodness for friends like Sonia, who understand that sugar coating things gets you nowhere, and that sometimes loving people means going tit-for-tat and throwing it all right back in their face.

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I can now see how or why Bryan and Jade would get irritated at Lucy especially in Jade’s case. I think she picked up on the goody-two-shows, holier than thou, self-righteous attitude Lucy puts forth when it comes to who she is and how she navigates her life. Additionally, Tom already picked up on it but he wasn’t in your face about it. Of course, Sonia who is similar in nature is the only one who could lay down the law when it came to that revelation. It’s easy to give advise than take it.


Sonia you are the best. I was really waiting for this chat. I could really feel their emotions, and I’m so glad Lucy finally agreeing to go to chapter


I wished Sonia was my best friend! ❤️❤️❤️


Infact Sonia you're such a darling thank you for such a great advice you're a friend indeed


immmmmmm, I am speachless, but I will try to put some effort to extract the words. The best quality in any person, is to admit the truth, admit to their wrong doings and accept them, well with all what Lucy keep saying about honesty, and being direct and so on about her morals, she is more twisted than I could have imagined. I know she has been under horrible past, and I am never judging her for her feelings or insecurities, or need for control, I am furious at the double standards she is adopting, she does not listen to Tom and leave him frustrated in the car while he was talking, then try to leave the room while his grandfather is there, then plame him for not wanting to talk further at work!! I can understand that her long relationship with Sonia is what lead her to listen, but really how can you say you love someone, while you dont have any well to try to understand the motive of what they say, or to try to understand them at all like what she is doing with Tom, she need to understand love is not just physical, it is expressed in the understanding, respect and the value you give to your partner.. I hope she and Sonia get the therapy needed so that they and we get our happy beginnings .. soon ..


what a chapter,Tom's reaction is so realistic and Sonia's advice too.So much to learn from you


That! Lucy needed to hear that!🥰🥰


Hope everyone can be patient with Lu. She's traumatized and needs to realise that she needs help to be a better version of herself. I think she did quite well in such a short time (since she comes to know Tom) to be able to tell her story to the whole world. Just a bit encouragement and assurance from people around her would do wonders.


well said Sonia! believe Lucy will do it n overcome everything too!


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


SO LUCKY Sonia was in her office. Tom’s behavior towards her was extremely hurtful….it was mean and cold. AND He is right about her needing therapy.


maybe Lucy should to therapy m, maybe not. btmmBut none of them should have to change for the one they love. that's some BS advice. right there. and I'm sorry, bit Tom is kind of a controlling jerk who gets ticked whenever something doesn't go his way. maybe he should go to therapy too. and he, he was like stalker creepy in the beginning so....


Wow, lessons lessons lessons