
Comments of chapter undefined of One Wild Night


I wish Lucy could open up now to tell her family how much they hurt and failed her. For me, they failed her in all ramifications. Either they believed she had So much strength in her to have overcome her ordeals or that they are plainly negligent...I choose the latter. A seventeen year old going through all that, yet giving off all these signs ...not eating much, going into seclusions, not interested in social activities to the extent that she hated men and at her young age. No! They all failed her and the mom had to open her mouth to accuse her of being insensitive? Lucy's mom messed up big time though it isn't something communication, love and forgjveness wouldn't cure. Once again thank you dear Author

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Have more confidence Harry! 💪 I hope Jade will berate him for not calling 😜

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well u are her Uncle Harry... she will definitely miss you

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I can understand Lucy’s sentiment. If a friend or even a family of mine who I knew well started changing their routine, I’d want to know what’s going on with them. I wouldn’t ask for myself per se, but for them to know what made them change or the cause for change. We tend to become self-absorbed in which we fail to acknowledge those around us. Of course, our understanding of expectation vs. reality makes us feel disappointed in those we care about because you’d hope at least one person would catch on to what’s going on with us. Lucy’s parent definitely failed her. She would’ve opened up if someone showed at least a semblance of concern for her well-being.

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oh Harry..... if you only knew.....


tom and harry besties forever 🤣


Ugh...come on Harry 🤦🏽‍♀️ so disappointed in you right now. You should've at least popped in to say hi to everyone, specifically JADE!!!! 😠

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Why does Harry like deceiving himself? He's never optimistic about Jade. Author do you know Harry has never told even us the readers his true feelings about Jade


Gosh that was a lot. I hope this situation will allow Lucy to tell her family how she feels - she has spent years trying to get over her feelings, and clearly they are still there simmering. And with good reason. Hee oarents should have noticed. We all know that Lucas is in a critical situation right now but all those years ago her famoly DID fail her. Obv her mom has some issues. Maybe working through all this will help Lucy move on and make her own life with Tom. In the meantime poor Harry. Jade REALLY screwed this up and this amazing man who wants her thinks she has zero interest in him.


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


Harry. Jade loves you, she hasn’t realized it yet. Don’t give up on her. Jade you’re a lawyer. Go after what you want. Go get the man.