
Comments of chapter undefined of MHA: Psychokinesis


That was a surprising twist. I thought that the tumor might have weakened him and if it gets removed it would increase his power. Instead of making it a power dampener, you made it a power cap which I didn't see coming.


I really don’t like this tumor plot line. I feel it trivializes cancer and the cause of the cancer is ridiculous. There’s nothing in canon that supports people’s quirks causing cancer. The quirk factor itself protects against these types of effects.


While I understand the reasons to cap his quirk growth the execution was horrible, doctor-patient confidentialy only aplies in case it doesn't put the patient live a risk and he must be of age, a minor with the potential to worse his health like what was described the doctor have the responsibility to inform his guardians at very least of what is happening otherwise in case of anything happening the guardians could sue the hospital and even have the doctor prosecuted she could even go to prision because he is a minor; like I said I understand the reasons for a stop-gag on his power growth both for develop his creativity and character development but the method was just so lousy while pretentend to sound realistic that become a turn off, of course I wouldn't stop to read, this is a fanfic with superpowers any BS is to be taked a face value.


The main reason I don't like MHA before is because I thought Midoriya is pathetic at first but at least he showed his growth in the series which is opposite of this fanfic. When he's finally strong he became handicapped (just because he's OP and the Author doesn't want him to grow until maybe before Eri heals him) when he's finally noticed by One for All which is basically a death sentence for him when he can barely beat Nomu before. Sorry but I think I'm dropping this for now. It's really a great work but I think it'll drift further from my taste from now. Thank you for the work.


Well, it would be wrong to say that wasn't a nerf. It didn't just put a limiter on growth, it also puts a soft limit on how much he can use in desperate situations. Thankfully, it's on the lighter degree of nerfs and will only be a problem if it's something that can never be overcome (and even that can be handled if written well) After all, limiting the growth of an already extreme upper tier power isn't too harsh, and limiting its use when it should be able to end most conflicts well before reaching capacity anyway. The more iffy part is effecting things like judgment and problem solving, making them more into disabilities that can only be mitigated rather than character flaws that could be worked on and solved.


I believe in our savior, Eri. She will use her quirk to heal him...and hopefully, keep his powers.


despite what you're author note says it is a nerf, I'll let it slide(for now) since it was done in an interesting way


Hes a minor so u i dont see this so called doctor will make a deal with him, keeping his nerf a secret to U.A and his parents kinda irresponsible doctor. I understand the nerf thing it usually happens to strong side character so that it cant take away the spot light of mc sometimes the author even killed this side character. *Accelator, Cross Marian, Gojo &Mirio(bnha)*. Kinda off putting that a strong mc needs to nerfed his power just to make the story on the roll. Gonna drop this ff ,sadly 😔


Lame. im done here. good luck with your story moving forward but its not my cup of tea.


I hate your decision. Nerfing your character for the plot... What a shame.


I don't care. i an just read other things and then skip to that part when it shows up.


It's a nerf since originally, he could have trained his power to vast levels. Now he is essentially stuck in a situation where he has to become more efficient. Afterall, he will need other ways to get more powerful without his quirk actually getting more powerful. Furthermore, he now needs to limit his usage and become cautious of overusing his power in events that require more power such as villain attacks. Author may say it's not a nerf but it basically is. At least he will become more efficient and creative with his power now.


He could be part of the group that rescues Eri and she could accidentally rewind him back a few years,he could be a shota and all the girls fawn over him.



Psikami. Psych Deity Psychraider Psychro Psycojinn Psiro Psigami Psilar


Forced creativity, eh? Very nice approach to his solution of brute force for everythjng



I really don't like the tumor thing. It's just to stop him from getting to OP.


So you didn't nerf his strength but his potential!


When will it get removed? just wondering


Oooooohhh I see that was smart!! Sorry for jumping to conclusions, I just really liked his progress but now I see what you're doing and I think this will turn out to be really good for character growth in a lot of areas. Thanks for the chapter!!!