
Comments of chapter undefined of I Can Only Cast Fireball?!

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i don't know how are you gonna manage to keep him alive considering enemies are gonna keep getting faster etc. (specialy when he will be the lowest for all but one stat for his rank). some kind of constant fireball defence? which can work 24/7 all year around? will there be items that give stats etc.?(i hope no item, because i hate world settings like that, where rich people are the powerfull...) on a related side note: about previous passive unlock, to me it would make much more sense and give more uniqueness to mc if you made passive gained based on effective stat, rather than base stat. like getting passive unlocked at 100 would only require him to get 10 base with his chosen stat, as his multiplier will make it effectifly 100. he would be able to unlock things that impossible for others. considering previously you put some extra stats points gained after some level threasholds(at first he only gained 1 point per level, later on it get 3 per level, which i guess you will continue increase it on some other thresholds), most abilities that he will unlock till he hit high levels will be already unlocked, used and known by other people. it would be much more satisfying if he got them fast/early and able to reach theoricaly impossible ones (which would be a way to keep him able to defend himselfs contrary to his obvious and deadly weaknesses!!!). it felt like armor plot for him to survive in place where his stats (all but one) were lowest possible for his level. normaly i would expect him to be be found out by monsters and killed even before he realize enemy attacking him (does detection effected by a stat?). one ambush and he is gone for good. he should be needing much more than firepower to stay alive. you can go for team members helping etc. , at the end it's all up to you, i would be entirely fine if you ignore me. it just that i want to read novels that has some ground rules, novels with established world with self checks and balances. fights that mc won't rely entirely on plot armor. i just hope i won't have to stop reading this novel like many others with no logic and have only plot armor that mc beat people just because he is mc. i hope you are better after your break on writing (hiatus?). thx for novel till now, was fun to read.


thx for caring. i expect more from you after reading this :)

AuthorSan:Hi, thanks for sharing your concerns! On the whole note of him not being able to keep up, I actually touched on that in a previous chapter, and the solution is actually in the next chapter. The truth is that Einer already can’t keep up, however he’s been using the advantage of high casting speed and kamikaze sneak attacks to keep himself out of close combat scenarios. As you will see, his combat style will continue to evolve as his curse does, which will be revealed soon enough. I understand where you’re coming from, just give it a little time, I’ll do my best to not disappoint!

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