
Comments of chapter undefined of HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]


And here it comes the unnecessary drama that I hate......, this type of thing just artificially creates conflicts in the story. Author, I really like your story and the world you constructed ( even if it is a fanfic), but I think that you posting a chapter every day is making it difficult to imagine where to go with the story, I can't talk for everyone but I would gladly wait and have something like a chapter a week


Honestly the story seems to have lost alot of traction lately seems like your just throwing whatever you can think of in and just hoping for the best.


this curse will serve to make the mc waste time while solving it and therefore be unable to act against voldemort and his plans.


Now that I read this properly, I think Alan wants Quinn to get used to and overcome his fear of his wand. Alan knows that although Quinn is one of the most magically gifted individuals on earth, he is crippling his potential now that he is starting to leave the growth phase of developing magic. Also his wand did indeed help focus his magic to help get rid of the Sin Curse, as Alan has also said. Quinn solving this issue on his own will reward Quinn much more so than before. In the wide world where Quinn wants to develop and study all forms of magic, things like this will happen sometimes, and sometimes there will be no time to solve it calmly like he does now. Sometimes it could be instant Death. Knowingly take the curse to study its magic and figuring out how to brake out is much better than Unknowingly affected and luckily breaking out if it, are two different beast! He has a soul shield and it has held up well, But now maybe it is time to take a legitimency approach and attack the curse, or develop a way to cleanse his soul. He needs to get information of how a Mind Healer works, and if any of that information can translate in uses for the soul like how his half completed soul shield was and maybe help heal the soul. If he can cleanse a soul or heal it, I imagine a new magic that can wipe clean a Horcrux. It could also be used against the 3 unforgivable curses too. Sorry for typing a lot here. These are just my thoughts.


Four or Five chapters wasted, describing the curse and then telling us, they can't do anything and don't know anything... let nature run its course ... And still no mind diving in to sister's boyfriend to check for suspicions


Vault chapters are soooo boring and annoying! It's still going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going......... I didn't want to read it then, I don't want to read it now and I won't want to read it in the future. Please make it max 5 chapters to end my torment!


Huuu almost at 300 chapters, come on The colleague there said that the story is starting to slow down, I can't help but agree but I know it's because what's happening at the moment isn't so interesting, Soon we'll get to the hectic part of the war But now saying a little more, I was a little sad, after this chapter I can have an idea that all the programming for America will be around the study with Alan, I really wanted to see more about his business there in the US, it's a secondary thing but I find it quite interesting


I liked the vaults overall, some dragged but I still liked them. Although sometimes Unwanted, it was a good break from the main story. But did we really need to double dip into the worst one? I hope that the end result is worth it. But if this was just to get him to use his wand then come in man. He should’ve already been practicing on being able to use wand or wandless. He should’ve known that it was better to do it before the war kicks up. Tell the story you want to tell at the end of the day tho.


Big 300!!! Congrats mate!! and cheers for the long hall! Love the chapter by the way. and. FIRST!!!


Sigh, from over 70-80 comments a chapter at the beginning of this fanfic, it is now 30-40 comments... I guess a lot of people didn't like this sin arc very much....


inhate this trashy sin arc... so fking stupid


Come on it has gone long enough curse and MC dance needs to end and on a good note


I thank you for the chapter.


Take the soul power


Thanks for the chapter


hm im excited in the future when mc becomes a hit wizard


Thanks for the chapter




Thanks for the chapter


thanks for the chapter