
Comments of chapter undefined of The Rise of the Black Plain


Am I missing something, because I thought that the church was supposed to Intervene on situations like this. There are foreign invaders with levels as high as 78 invading and nobody is doing anything about it???? this whole situation could be prevented by simply sending one level 80 and have him sit there, he wouldn't even need to fight. This plot is even less tolerable knowing that its only possible because some other foreign empire is funding some random dude to invade so they can look for a map??? It's being portrayed as a distraction but the church isn't distracted in the slightest in fact they are doing nothing...


Seems weird the church wiped out a royal line over one low level Saint, but bunch of level 77 and a level 78 are perfectly fine. Hopefully there is some more justification besides the author just wanting to kill off the MCs friends that we've built up an attachment to.