
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Monarch

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I really liked the description of the fight scene, makes me look forward to more epic fights!

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good fight chapter but I'm like 9 chapters into the story and still no information explaining about anything. it's like first, the prelude which was good but weird since it didn't explain anything aside from a group invading the castle of the demon king then comes out MC which I like very much but I don't like how he's really taking it very very slow while being in the HQ of the enemy. third comes the thing with Liz and Rain which adds the problem of following their story while we practically don't know anything about them aside from them escaping from someone and going to the demon king castle and know you added the group of guards or something which will add more POVs. I know that you will explain everything when all the characters reach the castle but if you want to attract the reader and make him follow your story from the beginning then you should also do something interesting. personally, I wanted to stop at chapter 4 since I felt the story not moving at all but because I saw the potential, I continued and I felt good when I read chapter 9 here. I'm saying that creating a long prologue chapters isn't always good and sometimes makes it harder for the reader to felt attached to the story and that you need to speed up a little bit and enter your story otherwise people will feel bored and just leave


So there is chapter 9 and the story does not go at all. Okay, in the beginning we were shown these two girls and where they are going. Okay, but that doesn't mean that I'm interested in them as a reader. Especially when the main character of the story himself is in limbo and does not know anything and in general everything is bad for him. As a reader, I don't care what happens to these girls there. Talking about them, it is perceived as just a waste of time. I want movement, development of the main character, and everything else is secondary. Even more, I don't even bother to remember how these girls look there ... Because they don't even know the main character. This is more and more annoying.

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Great chapter

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The description of the fight scenes are nice but I dont get the story, it lacks information and it doesnt show where its heading to. Though things will be explained but it would have bee better if there was at least a little information that will direct the readers. Thanks for the chapter.

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great battle scene


This was fun


Alert : Possible making making of a simp MC


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon




Thanks for the chap