
Comments of chapter undefined of God´s Eyes

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Lol not a banquet.




Well that's was a something unexpected.


oooooh! the feeling if being the odd one out!! yeah... who wouldn't be checking the map twice after that... ... love this chapter thx


It seems like these people don't know they are about to go into the garden. Or at least certain people don't which could mean those that do are all just pretending like this is a normal banquet. The foreign race behind the Jual clan might be planning on kicking off the civil war with the 'disappearance' of all the young noble scions in this room. Of course none of the other clans will know they are at war and that is to the Jual clan's benefit. All they need to do is lure enough people( who are investigating the 'disappearance' of their noble sons and daughters) to whatever trap or ambush they have planned. This is done in order to deal enough damage to the other forces of humanity, by murdering all the people who are sent to investigate, to give the Jual clan the initial advantage in the war. Or to draw attention to this city while they are doing something else in another place. If this is indeed what is going on, I am all for it. It's also great because the Drake clan was just severely weakened so now would be an amazing time to start a civil war since one of the biggest competitors was crippled.


Well it was nice reading your books But im not payong another $50 SOmething To be back ar 1-2 A day I will have to wait till you fo a mass release or until the unprIvledge catcha ip :/