
Comments of chapter undefined of God´s Eyes


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


hah! I knew it! elemental crystals! I mean I just guessed what they were but I was right!😁 now we know why there are so many elemental transmuted beasts... they're all eating those crystals. ... love this chapter thx



I don't get it, I thought the potion he was given is capable of healing him back for a near death situation Yet hours after using multiples, he's still not fully healed The potion is starting to look unimpressive.


I don't get it, why does he keep saying from above? There was nothing saying he went down into a pit. He's in a cave and he went forward (strive is inappropriately used there.) I really don't like how this chapter was handled. It's very unbalanced. For every half page of his thinking about the uses of crystals, there's one line describing his actions. We have almost no description of the tunnels, to the point where we don't even know which of the 4 he picked to go into, and why. As he moves, it doesn't say if these tunnels are straight, because most naturals are not, at least not for any length. There's no mention of openings/caverns. Did he climb down? It doesn't say he did, but then why is he talking about things above him? The actions described account for maybe 30 minutes of his time and yet suddenly it's been hours. There one line saying hundreds of beasts came in and dug crystals, but if he's been doing nothing but walking forward for hours, how would he see them? And if he hasn't, what the heck has he been doing? This is one chapter that should be exciting, focused on his actions and environment. But it isn't. The language describing the action is dull, so cursory you could miss it if you skip a line. But all the different uses of crystals is full of life.