
Comments of chapter undefined of Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

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Do what you have to do, if its good ill read

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To be honest I like how this story has gone and I believe that you could just write an epilogue of sorts and it would work well. Arata has defeated the main threats and I don't think there's much to do in the MHA world without it getting repetetive. Plus last chapter had a pretty wholesome end so even if you do end this story and move onto another one well ..... i'll let Dio finish this one :

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well, if you think you can do better, why not? but make it a cultivation story. slapping arrogant young masters, being high on weeds, and making a cult for worshipping the weed god... there's all kind of stuff you can do in a cultivation fics. well, that's just my opinion. anyway, thanks for the entertainment all these days, i guess? tho i feel kinda bad i stopped sending you stones (a real messy irl stuff bruh)

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if you start a new fanfic maybe do danmachi and I swear to God if you endup doing it and Freya/Syr, Riveria and Artemis aren't in the harem... well bad things gonna happen. You know what make the mc godess an OC, Also make Rose his advisor/dungeon attendant

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Please do not make harem ( Only personal Opinion )

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La verdad he disfrutado leyendo este fanfic, todos los días estoy a la espera de cuando subes capítulos, pero si quieres terminarlo y empezar uno nuevo, te seguiré apoyando y leeré el otro tan pronto como salga. Aunque por favor no me hagas esperar mucho por el próximo. En fin gracias por el capitulo.

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All I can say is thanks for you hard work and really I enjoyed this story and maybe you can put it in Haitus at least for now. And I can't wait to read your next/new story

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I thiK that you should put an ending on this story first even if it is a quick one and then make a new one Hopefully the mc is somewhat op cause i loce those types of stories

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Will there be Eri in the new world with his waifus?

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Will be still be 'Accelerator'? Vector Manipulation is just such a cool power.

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Yup... He become a Slave because of the Penalty... But this Fanfic is Great but I wished in your next Fanfic is Mc or Stats have Ochaco too...

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Antes de dejarlo, crea un final o un resumen jajaj

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Author-san, I really like your work but I confess that his defects made me decide to wait to finish the world of bnh before reading again. Despite that, I would like to give you some advice that may or may not be useful during your rewriting. 1) Nerfar mc is not a problem if he doesn't need to be nerfed in the first place. Before starting the fanfic, you should do a simple planning of the level of power / world that the MC will visit. So you start in weaker worlds and slowly go up to the most dangerous ones as long as you keep the MC with a level of power appropriate to those worlds. In planning you decide the order of the worlds and the maximum level of power that the MC will reach there. If this is difficult, there are reasonable ways to nerfy the MC if you plan well, for example the Mystical Journey MC who reincarnates when traveling the worlds and has to adapt to the power system of those worlds whenever he travels to a new world (Mystical Journey not a fanfic) 2) The MC does not need to "complete" a world before going to the next one. In worlds like one piece that start out weak and end up in absurd levels of power, the mc can complete a low lvl arc first and then go back to the more difficult ones. 3) I know that many don't like cultivation bs, but you should consider using this as a way to make the mc's power levels clear and avoid making it too op in a way that the expected levels work. For example, even if the MC masters all the skills of the universe, if he is in the realm of foundation establishment he will not have much strength and energy to apply those skills and at most he will be able to deal with someone one or two levels stronger. Using numerical statistics may seem good at first, but the higher they are the more complicated it becomes to say clearly how strong the mc is just based on numbers. When deciding to use a power system, you can define in your planning the power level of the canon characters in advance and this will help you to balance the mc. For example, in the multiverse the toga power level is low F, low allmight, one for all intermediate C and so on. Of course the level of power would be just the basic strength of the person, do not consider it as midnight for example, even though something like F could defeat someone C who doesn’t have much resistance to poison or the erazer head that has the level of an ordinary person F low, but you can beat someone B if you can disable the target's quirk. I hope my comment helped in something, sorry for any mistake I used google translator

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Hey can you have a Pokémon trainer transported to the MHA world I’ve never seen a fanfiction like that.

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honestly, it has been getting old with the fact pace and low amount of detail. i think you should drop this and do a different fanfic and then later on, you can start again with this idea, using skills you have gained from writing the next fanfic.

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to be honest this book was great such a shame it finished too soon. whatever, hope you continue your journey in another one for the next world maybe try the cultivation one , like the Complete piece of shit and garbage Yun che, what was that novel? atg ( against the gods i think ) all the atg fics i have read are complete shit except some. hope you write soon

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Huh, really? never noticed that the rating was so low... I usually skip books with low ratings. But it seems that I can like some of them. Even if you made some... mistakes, they helped you become better and that's what really matters. You aren't a bad writer and I like your style. So keep at it. Even if you drop this, do it after tying up everything and giving the story an end... Maybe make him fail a mission and kill him off? XD Anyways, thanks again and good luck.

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Good luck~😄👍

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Ok no problem

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if possible I'd like one centered around dragonball or one piece both are open for a lot of creative because they are so long