
Comments of chapter undefined of The System: Civilian Shinobi


Tobi thinks this Tobi Shou is too passive


Ele é um ninja, uma ferramenta viva da aldeia. Sendo um ninja ele não tem como negar algo, principalmente quando ele é só um civil.

ApoloJackson:Vou comentar em PT br msm pq tô com preguiça. Começou muito bem, desenvolvimento de caráter, mudanças bem colocadas, boa escrita. Mas do nada, repito, do nada, vc força um casamento sendo que suna N tinha nada a oferecer após se fuder no ataque, podia usar qualquer outro personagem da aldeia pra manter a linhagem e se fortalecer sem depender dos outros. Cria um cãozinho que só aceita e não questiona(nem pra ele msm), e resolve criar um campo (colocando ele no banco como professor) pra não mudar nada até shippuden. Porra, msm sendo civil, dps de tudo que ele mostrou vc tá dizendo que ele N pode fazer nada em vez de abaixar a cabeça? N sei onde vc leu naruto mas lá N é uma ditadura desse nível, a não ser que o mundo seja quase au, coisa que não é já que você msm N mudou grandes coisas até agr, pelo menos de acordo com oque tu escreveu. A real é que parece que tu queria isso msm, drama de casamento com temari (novela mexicana), mc passivo (anime japonês), e sistema impossível de lutar contra(China). Só falta ele ser corno pra fechar (Korea). Espero que tente resolver essas coisas, não precisa ser do jeito que tô falando, n sou hipócrita a esse ponto, pq os últimas capítulos simplesmente serviram pra deixar geral bravo sem qualquer desenvolvimento de personagens, só caiu o nível da história msm.

I'm almost abandoning the story, the MC is accepting everything they send him, and it's getting shit


Very passive protagonist, even rewarding for something he did, he rejects.


Great! now we hace a submissive bitch for a MC...


He's just gonna give up that OP sword? He didn't even try to do anything with it. This story is going downhill fast, are you trying to see how fast you can lose followers?


"Where the hokage can assign suicide mission to anyone?" is that really what you think? do you think ninja are slaves that serve the hokage? they can refuse missions and take others it's their job they have a life and it's their own, do you think ninjas are all root ones where everyone do everything as told and can be kamikaze used ?


I almost abandoned this story


geez some of these comments are just idiotic. they want some broody emo protagonist that doesn't follow the rules and completely ignores everyone that even tries to talk to them. hoarding things that have no value to them whatsoever and trying to use anything they can get their hands on even if it doesn't suit them. it's almost like they want to read sasuke fanfic.


I don't hate the mc but bro u got the fucking gamer system wtf r u doing with the mc...i mean he is so fucking like .a corporate employee....who nods his head everytime a superior is present....like a chicken.


this is more realistic then that rember he can get that from the store and he was born their NOT REINCARNATED that is how every other person is. It is a military village like the author said . that be like a general demanding a reward form his superiors


Some readers may be upset or angry that our MC is too submissive and passive to refuse orders.That's natural because our MC is not Isekai's reincarnation who knows the story of Naruto Univers, He was just a Konoha civilian who wasn't from a well-known clan so it was only natural that he obeyed the Hokage's orders Note:Sorry if there is a grammar that is strange or not quite right because I translate it with google translate And thanks for the chapter I will always support you Author-sama


I don't know what people think of konoha but the mc is a born and rise there not a reincarnated otaku so the wellbeing of the village is of great importance to him and the mc is a soldier and the hokage his general so of course he follow orders especially something simple like being a teacher and the marriage can be worse and compared to other things not the worse sacrifice


Did people forget that Konoha is a country of mercenaries known as ninja? You can leave the village when your just a civilian but when you are a ninja it's different. That's why we get to see their forehead protectors scratch out in Akatsuki, since all members are rogue ninja. A rogue ninja gets imprisoned forever or be eliminated by the entire ninja world. Clan ninja can haggle or use trade/diplomacy to better their lives but a civilian like our MC can't. He's also seen as still a kid even he did all those amazing things. He even can't say no to people of higher authorities for fear of his life and his parents. Remember we read this because he's not a transmigrated or reincarnated person. This is, to his knowledge his 1st and only life. His a civilian shinobi and that's what make it unique and for me it's GOOD. Thank you author.


I hate emo edgy MC's... but this is just as hateable... This is too much... at least accept the reward for giving his spoils (the sword), request for more money/jutsu/favors for sacrificing his love life... anything but this ¬¬


Only one chapter a day is not enough ... need more ..


so another chapter of The System: The Pushover Shinobi


Thanks for updating the story friend and do not get married to the people who complain that our MC is passive ..... It is obvious that God will be passive. He is a civilian ninja! He does not have a political family .... So there is no need for him to answer to the higher ups .... It is obvious he has a soldier mentality (shinobi in this case). It's like you said the hokage can order someone to do a suicide mission and the ninja would gladly do it ... Because it is their duty to protect their village. That is something that was instilled in them from a young age and it is the most logical thing in a military nation. I don't know if many expected an MC that everything would go well for him that he had the power of the script or that he stayed with all the women because and he followed him to the point of betraying his village etc etc ... And if you think it is the type of MC in this story .... Well I'm sorry but this story is not for you. You must go to the other self-gratification stories where the MC is all powerful. At another point the MC is still a child who has no idea of ​​the world and / or the secrets of his people ...... So I don't know what they expect from a simple child ..... I don't know if they wanted to a Mini Itachi or something like that. Keep up the great work and don't be put off by criticism from people who don't know how difficult it is to write a good story like the one you are doing. Stay true to your ideas. So that later on they don't discourage you from continuing to write.


damn another beta mc


he should have totally ask for jutsus for the reward . he can learn fuinjutsus, tsunade chakra enchanced strenght, yin seal, her guidance/advice on medical jutsu, rasengan, poison jutsus or something.


Hy listen here I think author is trying to make a tragic kinda story where Mc would face many setbacks and stuff but still work hard or something and after many many more setbacks he would atlast achieve his dream or something......................................... ................................................ ... And then will come ootsatsuki and mc will be kill like a cannon fodder..... I think that the kinda story author is going for.......................... Lol