
Comments of chapter undefined of Thomas Prest: A Simple Magician


Thanks for the chapter!


It seems difficult to mix the two worlds? Power levels plus the universe is all over the place? Thanos obvi would get thrashed by ophis, red and even shiva/sirzechs but like devils hate humans? so wouldnt even ironman be like a ultimate class at best? What about loki from asgard vs the god loki from dxd? Two odins???


you are very rude author San. If you can't write just don't. But don't go insulting people like that for what they like.


I don't think it is possible to mix both worlds simply because of the people mcu has. The will be tons of plot holes which will take most of your time to fill rather than progressing the story. And I was really looking forward to a great dxd fic....

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I don't really understand the people here commenting that this won't work or assuming this isn't gonna be good. Why do they need to act like whiny babies when this novel is good and new? People always act like they are better than the writers who painstakingly took their time to write something that will entertain people. 🤦🏻 This is why most fanfic novels that are good gets ruined by people who does not care about the author and other people that enjoy a good read.


You're right, most DXD female characters are boring, but I'm still a little worried about how you're going to unite these two universes that have the same characters but with different personalities and powers (Nordic Pantheon for example), but I trust your skills , you didn't let me down with your Naruto fanfic


I really find the fact that you agree dxd with the mcu interesting, but you should know that there are characters that you should handle correctly like odin who was the one who taught Issey about oppai and who convinced him in a pervert, and Odin of the mcu is the opposite.


I think you should read the DxD novels a bit. There are really characters that you come to appreciate a lot, like Rias or Akeno


I dig it there are a few fics out there that do this and do it good so i see no reason to not do it if you can make it flow smoothly


what is the ancient one doing letting devil's and strays run wild. she with the time stone can beat any devil or angel


To be honest, Thanos is a bit of a problem without stones. Even with stones, power stone is basically the power of destruction. The Time Stone is the power of the Agares Family, the Reality Stone is Georg's Sacred Gear. In MSU, Thanos attacked only after the death of Oden because he was afraid of him. Here Odin is not only not going to die, but there are a bunch of other gods. Hela is equal in strength to Greyfia and/or Serafall. Aside from Wanda and Jean, they can't be stronger than Ophis and Great Red.


just hoping this doesnt become a sh*tshow


Knowing what world he is in may be scary but it just opened up many new avenues. He could use his power on Captain America to learn more about the Super Soldier Serum to try and reverse engineer it. He could become a sorcerer and learn how to use Universal Energies to supplement his Sacred Gear usage. He could use his Sacred Gear on mutants to gain an understanding of the dimensions they connect to. So long as he has a steady plan to utilize his knowledge of this universe and future events, he set to become OP before either the MCU or DxD plots start.


Pfft, I’m actually laughing my a*s off at how quick everyone left😂 And I can’t even blame them! The fact that you didn’t mention a crossover is annoying, but the fact that it’s a cross between MCU and DxD just completely ruined it😂 Good job! You probably just lost like 80% of your readers😂


To be honest, I'm very disappointed...why make a dxd fanfic if you're not interested in the girls of this world...because they are the "heart" of this world...there won't be dxd girls in his harem?


I like your fanfic and your style author sama, plz dont stop your story. And this is your fanfic ,your world, your story and your are a god in this place.


I can respect this crossover if you planned it out carefully but i hope you didn't just complicate and increase the complexity of the story just get 1 girl that you could have just made into an original character 😮‍💨, otherwise that puts into question if this story was planned out at all or if it was just half assed with impulse decisions 🤷‍♂️


Hey author! Never change man, you've got the exact right attitude you need to succeed. You care about your story enough to fight for it and it shows. Please don't drop this story suddenly, I'd love to see more. Thanks for writing.


He just got so many power up ways given to him by being in the mcu such as but not limited to: - super soldier serum(view captain americas past or his blood's past) - Sanctums(op magic and artifacts he can view the past of) - Technology(iron man etc.) Quantum realm(ant man) - X-gene(he might have one or he can create one through viewing a mutant's past) - Tiamut(there should be a celestial inside the earth right), - - THE INFINTY STONES(be like captain marvel and get exposed to infinty stone energy) - Spidey-bite(you know spiderman right?) - Super random power up(getting exposed to radiation or other super powerful energy can do that) - Darkhold or The book of Vishtani(viewcthe past) - Find a empty domain(like the dark dimension) - Find wanda and get her powers to a contract(gg boys, reality bending powers coming) - Just make a contract with every super powered hero or villain and steal their powers through the contract(gg boys)


Thank you for the chapter! Off the top of my head, I can't think of many good cross over stories on Webnovel so I am rooting for your story! Keep up the great work and ignore the haters!


Would be nice if you made it clear in the beginning you were going to do a crossover. I mean why not just make an OC character as love interest?