
Comments of chapter undefined of Ben 10: Apex Hero

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Ansiosamente esperando pelo próximo

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Future gwen best waifu

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Hope we won't wait too long for the next chapter.

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Definitely a wonderful chapter with Jen having a very natural girl ben feels and now I'm just looking forward to Ben 10 alien force if ever as it directly introduces a bunch of new stuff though none so than omniverse.

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Thanks for the chapter 👍 And you scared me, i thought you are going to gender bend MC for a second.

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Muito bom, eu estava meio preocupado quando você disse que ia fazer esse episódio já que não saberia como você iria abordalo mas ficou muito bom

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I know that Ben and Gwen are in good terms now, but is there anything that needs to be clarified between them? Like how Ben has been moving up in academics while leaving Gwen behind, and that might make her think that her bossy attitude when she was younger was the reason for Ben studying better. That her attitude back then annoyed him that he tried to make distance between them, and was still acting nice to her to throw off suspicion. And Gwen was being a jerk in case Ben’s “nice act” was really an act, so she would feel less hurt in case it was true. But might blame herself for being the cause of it.

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This really fits.

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When the world needed him the most, he returned...

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thx for the chapter

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Fue genial

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Opinaria más , pero ya es más de las 1 y ando con sueño, solo con fuerza de voluntad termine de leer y ya me está entrando el sueño.,.

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I can't to to read the reactions to the adventure he went through for the chapter

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Ben 23k team Team Conformed by: Ben: he's very similar to the version of Ben 10.000 that appeared on the episode "Ken 10" except for the fact that he didn't went through a "serious" phase. Kai: She's in charge of the museum and the main responsible of getting info on how aliens were part of important moments in the history of humanity as well as objects that formed part of this. Gwendolyn: Unlike in the Prime Timeline, Gwen isn't a magic user but she's still being an skilled fighter who made her way up to the ranks until she got to the possition of Magister, despite being a very shy girl during her youth she became a very confident person since she began training as a Plumber. Kevin: Unlike his main counterpart, he's more attached to the rules. He's still being being in charge of keeping an eye on the Rooters and is the leader of a squad conformed by the Amalgam Kids. Rook Blonko: Just like his main counterpart, he became a Plumber as outstanding as Max Tennyson was, who got to the rank of Magister.

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is the mc going to meet or find skurd earlier than ben prime timeline (ben 10 omniverse )?

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Just wondering, what kind of interaction will Ben have with Charmcaster? I just hope it won’t end up with a forced slave control like Rojo or a scared straight into loyalty like Frightwig, since I know that Charmcaster tried to get powerful through wrong deeds so she can help her home going through a crisis. And because she was mostly taught/raised by Hex, she wasn’t guided to be humbled with her magic and considerate of others’ wellbeing.

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or meeting the creator and his assistant hit the assistant joins Ben instead of rejoining azemth

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Good chapter, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, the way you write and handle the plot of the story is wonderful.

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Oi eu estava relendo todos capítulos e vi que o bem tem CASA SEGURAS - BASES SECRETAS espalhada por todo o país e eu estava vendo que seria legal se o BEN tivesse uma base móvel nos oceanos e nos céus o BEN com o massa consenso poder cria um maquinas e mineração para minerar no espaço e nos oceanos e estrair minérios como ouro e outros recursos comprar navios militares de países pagando com lincotes de ouro e pegar os submaris com missei nucleares afundados nos oceanos e criar uma frota da MARINHA ETERNA e quem sabe criar uma imensa base secreta no fundo do mar utilizado o hama para controlar um vulcão submarino e moldar os alicerce da base e depois utilizar o massa cinzenta e o ultra T nas suas formas SUPREMAS para atualizar a tecnologia pois o oceano é vasto e ele pode encontrar neves alienígenas no fundo dos oceanos pois o oceano é vasto e é um ótimo lugar para se construir uma base secreta. O que você acha da da ideia ???

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Cara eu pesquisei só por capricho já imaginando que não ia dar em nada pense na minha surpresa ao ver que tinha um capítulo lançado a mais de 5 dias eu entrei em choque fiquei tão animado que fui ler do começo a obra de novo até dei uma Power Stone coisa que eu costumo guardar para obras com postagens bônus por número de pedras. Sinceramente continue com o ótimo trabalho e poste sempre que possível 😉🙏

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Fuaaaa good chapter