
Comments of chapter undefined of The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]


Is baldur going to get that immortality thing for everything

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If each star can make him stronger maybe he can slowly assimilate stars to make him stronger. It's like having an uncountable number of powersource and could make him semi-immortal. Like if you want to kill him you'd have to destroy all stars and all source of light in the universe.

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Hmm Baldur isn’t mentioned at all i think in the MCU so i guess you could justifiably send him on an intergalactic expedition for a few hundred years. Hell, you could say he falls into a rift and ends up far away from asgard and spends the next fee hundred years adventuring, learning and getting stronger. Then he can arrive back at the beginning of the first avenger movie. Loki still went down the betrayal path because he lost his favourite brother, Thors arrogance was no longer tempered by Baldur so he reverts back to the way he was in the movies. Then when he gets back he can cause some chaos who knows

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Free Hela and form a team with her

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learn how to shot massive beams like dbz shit or how to teleport with light

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Build his own nation on a planet. Travel the universe for loyal subjects. Save different species and he could have them come to his own planet. Learn about new skills to develop as he travels.

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He can try to assimilate stars to gain the divinity of the stars.Constellations can also give him extra special powers.He can gain the divinity of the Stars and Space thought the stars and other minor divinities which can become major through the Constellations.

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Should have him train with a star but he realizes that he is slowly destroying the star so he cant use the same one nonstop..... great chapter! Curious to how Baldur and Hela first encounter would go....

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At hela needs is some love and to get over her daddy issues 😂😂😂. Then again who can blame her it's f****n ODIN.

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He should be like superman 1 mil and stay in a sun for a few hundred years, tempering his body and magic.

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But still he should find a way for body agumetation. At least combine his Gene with the Strongest Frost Giant Warrior and Most powerful Frost Giant Wizard or Sorcerer. And you should know that Hela his very strong that she was able to break Thor 🔨 Hammer. And she is a pure frost giant whose Father is Loki and Mother is the the mother of monsters Angrboða.


Maybe he can visit some alien civilization to learn some advance tech. XD Can he make his body stronger by absorbing the Sun's radiation like a kryptionian? XD. How about the Sentry Serum? But that would be made in 1980's. Correct me if I'm wrong, I think that was developed by also using the Sun's radiation.

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So without divinity how much weight he can lift.

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Hmm, hopefully his dislike for odin doesnt make him not love Asgard. I mean he has been there for years and in the realms. Surely he has seen the love they have for him and would want to protect it. It is his new home

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I really like the story so far but you could have had the spear changes into a bow and why lolerie theres better character in marvel

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Make him go to earth and help the vikings UnIte scandinavia , so that his leged’s will Be told in modern times , and he is worshipped in europe , like a religion that was not destroyed or a cult, while he learn’s magic with the acient one. Make the Scandinavians worship him more than Odin , that would be a huge F U K you To Odin.

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Create his own runemaster empire hidden on earth in Wakanda as there is no empire there now and he can use all vibranium.

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fire wings would be cool, and mc x hela, light x darkness would be the best couple.

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hope we still see lorelai and him interact and they don't just suddenly grow apart

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In this marvel universe is norse the only pantheon that exists, what i mean to say is there a possibility of greeks and Egyptian pantheons to exist?

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it makes him leave asgard for time to flow as he should, and in the meantime he could connect with all the suns he finds and try to absorb their energy without being close. (I used Google Translator)